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작성자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2025-01-20 10:36:16 | |||||||||
IAU Symposium No.398/MODEST-25 “Compact Starsand Binaries in Dense Stellar Systems” June 16-20, 2025 Seoul NationalUniversity Seoul, Korea https://gravity.snu.ac.kr/iaus398 Contact:loc-iaus398@googlegroups.com FirstAnnouncement Dearcolleagues, Thissymposium is intended to discuss the astrophysical origin of gravitationalwaves and to establish connections between theoretical and observational dataconcerning dynamics, populations, binaries, multiples, compact objects(including binaries containing them) in dense star clusters. Star clustersserve as dynamical factories for all these intriguing objects, and these topicsare inherently interconnected. For instance, cluster dynamics and the evolutionof single and binary stars are closely intertwined, leading to differentscenarios compared to those in the galactic field. We believe that the year2025 is an appropriate time to delve into the topic of star clusters and theroles of compact objects. This timing aligns with the release of significantresults from the fourth observing run of LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA, which should providecrucial new constraints on the formation of gravitational wave sources.Additionally, numerous new discoveries of globular cluster pulsars are expectedfrom large radio facilities such as MeerKAT, ASKving DeAP, FAST, and others.New computer codes for dynamical simulations of dense star clusters are alsoemerging, and this symposium offers an excellent opportunity to discuss thelatest results based on these codes.
Abstractsubmission is now open and will close on April15 for oral presentations and May 15 for poster presentations. Pleasesubmit your abstracts via the registration page. Registration Fees:
400,000 KRW(250,000 KRW for students)
480,000 KRW(300,000 KRW for students) Please note:1 USD is approximately 1,500 KRW. Proceedings: The proceedings of the meeting will be published in the IAUProceedings Series by Cambridge University Press. IAU Travel Grant: Travel funds for those in need of support are availablefrom the IAU. Deadline for IAU Travel Grant Application is February 28. You canfind the form and more regarding the application process here. Important Dates:
Holger Baumgardt (Univ. of Queensland) Paolo Bianchini (Univ. of Strasbourg) Sourav Chatterjee (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research) Michiko Fuji (Univ. of Tokyo) Mirek Giersz (Nicolas Copernicus Astronomical Center) Myungshin Im (Seoul National Univ.) Natalia Lahen (Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics) Myung Gyoon Lee (Seoul National Univ.) Smadar Naoz (UCLA) Antti Rantala (Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics) Carl Rodriguez (Univ. of North Carolina) Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev (Heriot-Watt Univ.) Anna Lisa Varri (Univ. of Edinburgh) Albert Vecchio (Univ. of Birgmingham) Claire Ye (Univ. of Toronto) Zhen Yuan (Nanjing Univ.) Han Zhanwen (Yunnan Observatory)
Hyung MokLee (Seoul National Univ., Co-Chair) Rainer Spurzem (Univ. of Heidelberg/NAOC, Co-Chair) Sourav Chaterjee (Tata Institute for Fundamental Research) Antiono Milone (Padova Univ..) Frederic Rasio (Northwestern Univ.) Ann Lisa Varri (Univ. of Edinburgh) Local OrganizingCommittee (loc-iaus398@googlegroups.com) Chunglee Kim (Ewha Womans Univ.) Chair Jongsuk Hong (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) Elahe Khalouei (Seoul National Univ.) Sungsoo S. Kim (Kyunghee Univ.) Joohee Lee (Seoul National Univ.) Secretary |
이전글 | 2025년 Korean Rubin Science Collaboration Workshop |
다음글 | AOGS 2025 세션 홍보 |
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