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9th annual GMT Community Science Meeting
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2023-04-10 10:00:25
첨부파일 :

Registration is now open for the 9th annual GMT Community Science Meeting!

The meeting, Exoplanets: Atmospheres to Architectures, will take place September 6-8, 2023 in Washington, D.C., at the InterContinental Hotel at the Wharf.  

With thousands of new worlds now confirmed, exoplanet science is poised to address long-standing questions: How do planets form and evolve? How diverse are their physical and chemical properties? How does our solar system compare to other planetary systems? How common are Earth-like planets?  

This meeting will bring together observers, theorists, and instrumentalists to share the latest results and plans for future research and facilities that will be needed to answer these questions. Some of the topics we will focus on will include:

·      Formation, evolution, and architectures of exoplanet systems

·      Demographics of exoplanets and systems 

·      Exoplanet atmospheres and interiors

·      Astrobiology and biosignatures

·      The roles, unique contributions, and complementarity of the ELTs and other facilities.

The meeting will include plenty of time for discussion, with all sessions, meals, and lodging at the InterContinental Hotel. As usual, there is no registration fee and partial travel reimbursement is available for graduate students and postdocs.

Scientific Organizing Committee

Jayne Birkby, University of Oxford (Co-Chair)
Johanna Teske, Carnegie Institution for Science (Co-Chair)
Sagi Ben-Ami, Weizmann Institute of Science
Fred Ciesla, University of Chicago
Laird Close, University of Arizona
Michael Ireland, Australian National University
David Kipping, Columbia University
Adam Kraus, University of Texas at Austin
Yeon Joo Lee, Institute for Basic Science
Mercedes López-Morales, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Jorge Luis Melendez Moreno, Universidade de São Paulo
Gijs Dirk Mulders, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Myeong-Gu Park, Kyungpook National University
Emily Rauscher, University of Michigan
Evgenya Shkolnik, Arizona State University
Joshua Winn, Princeton University
George Zhou, University of Southern Queensland

Invited Speakers include:

Daniel Apai, University of Arizona
Rebecca Bernstein, GMTO/Carnegie Observatories
Jane Huang, University of Michigan
Eve Lee, McGill University
Jared Males, University of Arizona
Victoria Meadows, University of Washington
Megan Mansfield, University of Arizona
Leslie Rogers, University of Chicago
Lauren Weiss, University of Notre Dame
Luis Welbanks, Arizona State University

More information, including the registration portal, can be found on the Community Science Meeting website. The registration deadline is August 4, 2023.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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