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THE UNIVERSE IN THE LIGHT OF AKARI and Synergy with future Large Space Telescopes
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2014-02-04 9:54
첨부파일 :

Dear KAS Members,

There will be the 3rd AKARI international conference
to be held July 9--11, 2014, at Oxford, UK. The conference
web page ist just open at the following URL:

You are most welcome to participate your latest results on AKARI and
related researches. Please visit the conference web page and proceed
to the registration.

Important dates:

Registration deadline: 4th April 2014
Abstract submission deadline: 20th April 2014

Hyung Mok Lee
on behalf of SOC
and Synergy with future Large Space Telescopes

9-11 July 2014 Oxford, UK
Main topics:
The AKARI Project and Legacy; Solar system objects, Zodiacal
emission and Debris Disks; Star Formation and Stellar Evolution;
Nearby Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei and Ultra-Luminous
Galaxies; Deep Extragalactic surveys with AKARI; Multi-Wavelength
Modelling of Galaxies; SPICA and other Future projects

Meeting theme:
This Conference will bring scientists together to discuss the
results from AKARI, which successfully carried out all-sky surveys
at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths, along with many additional
pointed observations, between 2006 and 2011.

The science areas covered by the symposium encompass the interests
of the entire infrared astronomical communities in the UK, Japan,
Korea and Europe, ranging from local studies such as asteroids
in our own Solar System, to the stars and dust in our own Galaxy,
out to the most distant galaxies in the Universe. The symposium
will also provide a road map for future UK-Japanese-Korean-European
(and possibly other partners) scientific collaboration leading to
the next generation JAXA led space mission, SPICA, by bringing
together the SPICA interested researchers in the UK astronomical

The timing for this symposium is excellent given that the European
Space Agency's flagship Herschel Space Observatory has recently
completed its active phase of data collecting, since the results
from AKARI provide an important synergy with the longer wavelength
Herschel observations. This Symposium is intended to develop
collaborative research between the UK, Japanese, Korean and
European communities, as well as taking AKARI's legacy forward
into the future.

Conference Organizer:
Glenn White (OU/RAL);
Chris Pearson (RAL/OU/Oxford), Dimitra Rigopoulou (Oxford/RAL)

이전글 제7회 천문관측기기 워크숍 1차 안내
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