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The 9th East Asian Numerical Astrophysics Meeting (EANAM9)
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2022-05-19 13:32:34
첨부파일 :
The 9th East Asian Numerical Astrophysics Meeting (EANAM9)

September 26 (Mon) to 30 (Fri), 2022 at Tenbusu Naha, Okinawa, Japan

Aims and Scope: Numerical simulations have become even more important as detailed comparisons between theories and observations are now possible at a deeper level in most fields of astrophysics. The aim of this series of meetings is to bring (but not limited to) East-Asian numerical astrophysicists together and provide chances to learn each other's work and explore possible collaborations among them. The scope of the meeting will encompass all major astronomical research fields that involve numerical simulations, including (but not limited to) cosmology, astronomical hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, radiative transfer, particle acceleration, and planetary/stellar/galactic dynamics. In addition, there will also be a focus on computer science applications directed toward astrophysics including numerical methods, simulation data analysis, high performance computing, and optimization for use on large scale computer clusters. Participants from outside of East Asia are warmly welcomed as well.

Invited Speakers: Jaehan Bae (Carnegie Institution of Washington) Michiko Fujii (Tokyo University) Myoungwon Jeon (Kyung Hee University) Yanfei Jiang (University of California) Ji-hoon Kim (Seoul National University) Alex Lazarian (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Yueh-Ning Lee (National Taiwan Normal University) Makiko Nagasawa (Kurume University) Mariko Nomura (Kure College) Kuo-Chuan Pan (National Tsing Hua University) Hsi-Yu Schive (National Taiwan University) Kazunari Shibata (Kyoto University) Masaru Shibata (Max Planck Institute) Huiyuan Wang (University of Science and Technology of China) Chun Xia (Yunnan University) Siyao Xu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Scientific Organizing Committee: Peng-Fei Chen (Nanjing University) Jungyeon Cho (Chungnam National University) Liang Gao (National Astronomical Observatories, Beijing) Shu-ichiro Inutsuka (Nagoya University) Tomoaki Ishiyama (Chiba University) Ing-Guey Jiang (National Tsing Hua University) Jinho Kim (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) Min-Kai Lin (Academia Sinica) Dongsu Ryu (UNIST) Yuichiro Sekiguchi (Toho University) Hwei-Jang Yo (National Cheng Kung University) Feng Yuan (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)

Local Organizing Committee: Koji Uryu (Ryukyu University) Keisuke Taniguchi (Ryukyu University) Eiichiro Kokubo (NAOJ)



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