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Synergistic Science with Euclid and the Square Kilometre Array
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2013-01-31 12:54
첨부파일 :
 Preliminary Announcement
 Synergistic Science with Euclid and the Square Kilometre Array
 Oxford, UK
 16-18 September 2013
 This is a preliminary announcement of a science meeting exploring the
 synergies between the Euclid satellite mission and the Square Kilometre
 Array (SKA). The focus of the meeting will cover all aspects of the
 science possible with both Euclid and the SKA (and its precursors),
 along with the technological synergies in data analysis.
 The three day meeting is open to the worldwide astronomical community
 and will include both invited and contributed talks. We envisage
 approximately 100 participants; there will be a conference fee, but we
 hope to secure sponsorship to help control the overall cost of the
 Please register your interest in the meeting to ensure you receive
 further updates at the following web site.
 Also, please bring this meeting to the attention of your colleagues. We
 plan for the official registration to be announced in April 2013.
 Scientific Organising Committee: Andrea Cimatti, Francoise Combes, Mark
 Cropper, Phil Diamond, Matt Jarvis, Tom Kitching, Joseph Lazio, Roy
 Maartens, Yannick Mellier, Andrea Merloni, Bob Nichol (Chair), Will
 Percival, Huub R?tgering, Lister Staveley-Smith
 Local Organising Committee: Erminia Calabrese, Joanna Dunkley, Vanessa
 Ferraro-Wood, Pedro Ferreira, Isobel Hook, Matt Jarvis (Chair), Aris
 Karastergiou, Lance Miller, Sarah White
이전글 2013 AOGS Spectro-polarimetry 관련 세션에 대한 안내
다음글 2013년 한국천문학회 봄 학술대회개최 안내