3rd Fermi Asian Network (FAN) Workshop |
작성자 :
한국천문학회 |
등록일시 : 2012-03-09 15:45 |
Dear colleagues, First Announcement of the 3rd Fermi Asian Network (FAN) Workshop Homepage: http://heastro.cnu.ac.kr/fan3.htm On behalf of the SOC, I am pleased to announce that the 3rd Fermi Asian Network (FAN) Workshop will be held in Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea in the period of 20-24 June 2012. FAN was established in 2010 to promote the collaborations among the high energy astrophysicists in Asia, with particular focus on using the data obtained by Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope for observational and theoretical investigations. The FAN collaboration currently consists of astrophysicists mainly from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea. Over the last two years, we have published a series of papers on various topics related to compact objects and their environment. This workshop will be focused on the following topics: * Rotation-powered pulsars & their wind nebulae * Magnetars * Gamma-ray binaries * Supernova remnants * Galactic center * AGN * Gamma-ray transients * Unidentified Fermi objects Apart from the formal presentations, this workshop will also emphasize on the round-table discussion so as to facilitate further collaborations. We will also hold a mini hands-on training course to help student and postdocs to analyze Fermi data. However, such format cannot accommodate a large group. Thus the total number of participants will be limited to about 30. Invited Speakers: Alice Harding (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) Paul Ray (Navy Research Laboratory) Jun Kataoka (Waseda University) Wim Hermsen (SRON-Netherlands Institute for Space Research) Registration: There is no registration fee and everyone is invited to participate in this workshop. Accommodation support (on sharing basis) for overseas students will be provided. Participants are encourage to make contributed talks related to the workshop. Coffee/tea break will be provided throughout the workshop. We will also arrange an excursion+conference dinner on 22 June. Please visit http://heastro.cnu.ac.kr/fan3.htm for registration. The deadline is on 30 April. Accommodation: Block-booked accommodation will be provided in Hotel Interciti http://www.hotelinterciti.com/ which locates at a ~20 min walking distance from CNU campus. Shuttle bus will be arranged to take the participants from the hotel to the workshop venue in the morning and and back to the hotel in the evening. Accommodation support for oversea students can be provided for the nights from 19 June to 24 June. The workshop is sponsored by the National Research Foundation of Korea and Chungnam National University. I am looking forward to meeting you in Daejeon. With best regards, David C. Y. Hui (huichungyue@gmail.com)