작성자 :
한국천문학회 |
등록일시 : 2010-10-01 9:27 |
안녕하십니까. 오늘 10월 4-6일 서울대학교 연구단지 컨벤션홀에서 개최될 GMT2010 Workshop 행사진행과 관련하여 안내메일을 보냅니다. (1) 최신 프로그램, 지도, 등에 대한 정보는 홈페이지 http://astro.snu.ac.kr/gmt2010을 참조하시기 바랍니다. 많은 성원에 힘입어 제한 인원을 약간 넘는 154명이 지금까지 등록하셨습니다. (2) 행사장 주차공간이 협소합니다. 지하주차장에 주차할 수 있는 주차증을 확보하였지만 그 수가 제한되어 있습니다. 행사장 주차장에 주차를 원하시는 분은 lhi@snu.ac.kr로 금요일 저녁까지 연락주시면 감사하겠습니다. 예약하신 주차증은 등록 데스크에서 얻을 수 있습니다. 주차증이 모자랄 경우 행사장에서 도보로 약 5분 거리인 호암교수회관 (홈페이지 지도 참조)에 주차를 하여 행사장까지 걸어오시면 감사하겠습니다. (3) 등록비는 박사급 10만원, 학생 5만원입니다. 현금지불만 가능하오니, 미리 준비하여 주시기 바랍니다. (4) 기타 행사진행에 대한 안내는 아래 영문 안내문을 참조하시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다. 임명신 드림 2010 September 29 Dear registered participants, This is an announcement concerning the logistics of "GMT2010: Opening New Frontiers with the Giant Magellan Telescope" at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea during October 4-6, 2010. (1) The registration fee will be 100,000 Korean won or $100 USD for senior participants (scientists with Ph.D or equivalent), and 50,000 Korean won or $50 USD for junior participants (e.g., students). We accept only "cash". Please be prepared to pay the fee at the time of registration. (2) Talks are 25 min (invited) or 20 min (contributed). This includes time for questions, so please prepare the talk appropriately. We will have LCD projector for the power-point presentation. You can also access the most up-to-date program of the conference at the GMT2010 homepage (http://astro.snu.ac.kr/gmt2010). (3) We will provide wireless internet access at the conference room. (4) For those who requested lodging at Hoam through the registration page, please confirm your check-in and check-out schedule (see the attached pdf file). Since there is a shortage of rooms with beds, some of you are assigned to "ondol" rooms which are basically traditional Korean-style room with heated floor where you sleep on Futon mattresses (See http://www.hoam.ac.kr/english/rooms/standard_03..html). If this is inconvenient to you, or you wish your western-style room with bed to be switched to the "ondol" room, please let us know. We may be able to switch rooms between GMT2010 participants. (5) The maps to get to the conference venue is now available at the GMT2010 homepage (http://astro.snu.ac.kr/gmt2010). (6) The banquet is scheduled on Tuesday night at Hoam Faculty House which includes a fusion-style Korean music performance. (7) Lunch will be served at the cafeteria of the conference venue. You will receive the lunch ticket at the time of the registration. (8) October is supposed to be the best season in Seoul the weatherwise with many clear skies and the temperature ranging between 10-20 degree Celsius. Although it does not get very cold, it will be a good idea to prepare a light jacket for your travel. If you have questions or requests, please feel free to contact us at gmt2010@astro.snu.ac.kr We will be looking forward to seeing you in Seoul. Sincerely yours, Myung Gyoon Lee, Chair of SOC Myungshin Im, Chair of LOC