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Summer School and Workshop on Redshift Survey and Large Scale Structure
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2010-04-16 10:58
첨부파일 :
Summer School and Workshop on Redshift Survey and Large Scale Structure National Astronomical Observatory, Beijing, China 13-24 June, 2010 We are planning a summer school and workshop on redshift survey and large scale structure in Beijing, June 14-24 2010. The 8 day summer school from June 14-June 20 will offer lectures covering subjects related to the large scale structure and redshift survey, which ranges from observation, data analysis, to model building and theory. The summer school is followed by a 2-day workshop, during which lecturers, students, and other participants would present and discuss their recent progress in research. The lecturers of the summer school includes Shuan Cole (Durham), Xiaohui Fan (U Arizona), Marc Kamionkowski (Caltech), Changbom Park (KIAS), David Schelegel (Berkeley), Alex Szalay (Johns Hopkins), Max Tegmark (MIT) and Martin White (Berkeley). For more detailed information about this program, please check our website We hope that this program will not only transmit the knowledge and research experiences on large scale structure studies, but also help to forge new collaborations on scientific projects, and to stimulate new ideas on future research. In particular, the LAMOST telescope, a key science project in China, is now being commissioned and may start start scientific observation in the near future. We encourage participants to bring forth creative ideas to fully realize its scientific potential. Please consider your participation in this program, and convey the news to all those who might be interested in coming. The registration deadline for international participants is April 15th. If you have questions regarding this program, please email this account. The primary contact person for the summer school and workshop is Prof. Xuelei Chen of the National Astronomical Observatory of China. The organizers of the summer school and workshop. ====================================== Professor School of Physics Korea Institute for Advanced Study 87 Hoegiro, Dong-Dae-Mun-Gu Seoul 130-722, Korea Tel) (82)-2-958-3751 Fax) (82)-2-958-3786
이전글 우주전파 News Letters 4월 창간호
다음글 "Challenges for the GMT" Swinburne University of Technology, 15-16 June 2010