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작성자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2020-01-03 16:16:13 | |||||||||
한국천문연구원에서는 NASA 중형미션 SPHEREx 국제공동개발과 관련한 기기개발 및 과학연구를 위해 신규 박사후연구원 (Post-doc)을 아래와 같이 모시고자 합니다. *SPHEREx 프로젝트 관련 사항은 아래 사이트 참조 < 연수 분야 > SPHEREx 관련 기기개발 및 과학연구 < 채용 인원 > 기기개발/과학연구: 전체 2명 < 연수 내용 > ○ SPHEREx 관련 기기개발 참여 < 응시 요건 > 임용예정일 현재 박사학위 취득 후 5년 이내 < 근무 조건 > ○ 근무장소: 한국천문연구원 대전 본원 https://www.kasi.re.kr/kor/recruit/post/recruitNotice/12401
SPHEREx Instrumentation or Science The KASI SPHEREx Team invites applications
for two post-doctoral positions in instrumentation or science projects related
to the NASA’s SPHEREx mission. The successful
applicants are expected to work on any combination of the following
projects: (1) development and operation of the ground test facilities for
SPHEREx, (2) preparation for the NASA SPHEREx mission, (3) developing SPHEREx
key or legacy science. The three SPHEREx key science cases are cosmology
(signatures from inflation), galaxy evolution (extragalactic background light),
and the origin of life (biogenic ices). The legacy science cases include any
topics that will be enabled by SPHEREx: e.g., AGNs, local/high-redshift
galaxies, galaxy clusters, diffuse ISM, and brown dwarfs. The successful applicants
will be given opportunities to collaborate with the international SPHEREx
Science Team, thus gaining internal access to the data and tools for SPHEREx.
It is also strongly encouraged that he/she develops and leads their own
projects within these frameworks. Experience with astronomical instrumentation,
optical/IR observation, or multi-wavelength data set is preferred. *************************************************************************
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