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서울대학교 우종학 교수 연구실 박사후연구원 및 관측연구원 모집
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2019-01-11 10:09
첨부파일 :

1. Post-doctoral Research Positions at Seoul National University

Applications are invited for post-doctoral positions at Seoul National University. Successful candidates will work with Prof. Jong-Hak Woo to carry out research projects, including gas outflows and AGN feedback, reverberation mapping, and coevolution of black holes and galaxies. Preference will be given to those who have experience in observational studies. Substantial amount of time can be available for independent research.

Astronomy Department at SNU provides a lively research environment. Currently, 12 faculty members (including 2 non-Koreans) and 60 graduate students are actively working on a wide range of research topics. Successful candidates may have chance to work with graduate and undergraduate students in various levels. Korea is an official partner of Gemini and ALMA, and postdocs are encouraged to apply various facilities as a PI, including Gemini, ALMA, KVN, JCMT, MMT, Subaru, and smaller telescopes.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent in astronomy by the first day of the employment. The duration of this position is 2 + 1 years contingent upon satisfactory research performance. Travel support and research budge will be also provided.

The starting date is negociable, but expected in early 2019A to summer in 2019. Applicants should submit CV, publication list, research summary, and the list of three people for reference to woo at

Deadline: Jan. 15 2019 (extended to Jan. 30 2019), but the position will remain open until it is filled.


Included Benefits:

National health insurance and pension will be applied. University-subsidized housing is available for a monthly rent of ~500-600 USD.


2.  2021년 1월까지 진행되는 SNU AGN Monitoring Project 에 관측자를 모집합니다.

아리조나와 캘리포니아의 관측시설을 한국에서 원격으로 사용하는 관측을 담당하며 파트타임 및 다양한 형태의 참여가 가능합니다. 천문학 분야의 학사 및 석사 혹은 박사 학위자가 지원할 수 있습니다.

측광 및 분광 관측 무경험자도 가능하며 원하는 경우 관측 이외에 연구에 참여할 수도 있습니다. 자세한 내용에 관한 문의를 환영합니다.



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