HOME 학회지 논문검색
Observational constraints on cosmic reionization history with Planck 2018 data
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.103-104
Cluster-counterpart voids: Void identification from Galaxy Density Field
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.104-104
Developing a Method to Detect Radio Relics in Merging Galaxy Clusters
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.104-105
A Progress Report on the Quantitative Comparison of Dark Matter Distribution Predicted by Machine Learning with Galaxy Distribution
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.104-104
Final parsec problem of black hole mergings and ultralight dark matter
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.105-105