저자 :
한국천문학회 |
: 2023-01-25 11:15:08 |
Job Announcement:
Professor Renyue Cen, at the Computational Astrophysics Center, Zhejiang
University in Hangzhou, China is in the process
of forming a significant computational and theoretical astrophysics center and
welcomes applications for a number of postdoc
positions. Applicants in the astrophysics areas of cosmology, galaxy formation
simulations, AGN feedback implementations,
intergalactic medium, reionization, globular clusters, interstellar medium,
turbulence as well as scientific computing and software
development are most welcome to apply. Varying degrees of research freedom are
negotiable, commensurate with experience
and qualifications. The appointment is three years that may be renewed for
additional three years. Five-year positions are
available for exceptional candidates. Salary is internationally competitive
with additional housing subsidies. Generous support
for research related travel is provided. Ample computational resources are
available. Application material (CV, research
achievements and future research plan) should be combined into a single PDF
file, to be sent via email with the subject
“Postdoc Application + (applicant name)” to renyuecen@zju.edu.cn.
Three recommendation letters with subject
“Recommendation Letter for (applicant name)” should be sent to the same email
address. The positions will be open until filled.