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[KASI Colloquium] Apr. 3 (Wed.) 4:00 pm - 박창범 교수 (고등과학원) / Prof. Changbom Park (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
저자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2024-04-01 11:09:42
첨부파일 :
[KASI Colloquium] Apr. 3 (Wed.) 4:00 pm - 박창범 교수 (고등과학원) / Prof. Changbom Park (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)



오는 수요일(4 3) 오후 4:00 아래와 같이 2024 상반기 정규 콜로키움이 진행될 예정입니다.


발표자: 박창범 교수 (고등과학원)

호스트: 노혜림

장소: 장영실홀 331-2 원격 연결

일시: 4 3 () 오후 4:00

접속주소: https://zoom.us/j/92444602963?pwd=VXJzWE1zd3VkYmZ1SjRMeXRFQy9kQT09

교육학점: 천문연 소속 현장참석자의 경우 필수 0.5 학점 부여


제목: Discordance of the flat ΛCDM ‘concordance’ model: Evidence for the Dark Energy Equation of State Parameter w > −1


The dark energy equation of state parameter w is measured with sufficient accuracy to discover that w must be larger than one in the flat CDM universes, namely dark energy is not the cosmological constant. A series of large-volume galaxy redshift surveys samples up to redshift ~0.8 produced by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey are used in the analysis, and the expansion history of the universe was measured using an extended version of the Alcock-Paczyński test (Park et al. 2019). The test exploits the fundamental fact that gravity is an isotropic force and the statistical pattern of galaxy clustering can be used as a standard shape that is conserved with time.
The new analysis of the SDSS data indicates that the expansion of the universe is indeed accelerating but the acceleration is a little slower than expected in the flat LCDM universe. The dark energy equation of state parameter is measured to be w = −0.903±0.023, a 4.2σ deviation from −1! This finding of a new "w tension" inevitably leads us to discard the cosmological constant as the source for the accelerated expansion and consider alternative quintessence models. We are now making a more accurate measurement of w using the upcoming DESI survey data to test if w is constant or evolving.


진행언어: 영어

슬라이드언어: 영어


원격 접속 방법 :

A. 브라우저: Chrome 추천하며 아래 주소를 실행시 Zoom 구동을 위한 프로그램이 설치될 있음

B. 접속 주소: https://zoom.us/j/92444602963?pwd=VXJzWE1zd3VkYmZ1SjRMeXRFQy9kQT09

C. 유의사항: 접속 "마이크는 뮤트로 설정" - 기본설정은 뮤트로 되어있음 > 질의 응답시간에는 마이크를 사용해서 질문 가능함


2024 상반기 천문연구원 콜로키움 일정


( 일정은 연사분의 상황에 따라서 변경될 있습니다.)


천문연 콜로키움 위원회 (김종수, 선광일, 이창원, 문홍규, 노혜림, 한정열)

운영위원회 (김진호, 송영범, 오재석, 윤용민, 조영수, 홍경수




Dear all,


The KASI's regular colloquium is scheduled at Apr. 3, as shown below.


Speaker: Prof. Changbom Park (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

Host: Hyerim Noh

Place: Jang Yeong-sil Hall 331-2 & Online

Time: April 3 (Wed) 4:00 pm 

Access: https://zoom.us/j/92444602963?pwd=VXJzWE1zd3VkYmZ1SjRMeXRFQy9kQT09

KASI Educational credits: 0.5 educational credits are awarded to off-line attendees.


Title: Discordance of the flat ΛCDM ‘concordance’ model: Evidence for the Dark Energy Equation of State Parameter w > −1


The dark energy equation of state parameter w is measured with sufficient accuracy to discover that w must be larger than one in the flat CDM universes, namely dark energy is not the cosmological constant. A series of large-volume galaxy redshift surveys samples up to redshift ~0.8 produced by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey are used in the analysis, and the expansion history of the universe was measured using an extended version of the Alcock-Paczyński test (Park et al. 2019). The test exploits the fundamental fact that gravity is an isotropic force and the statistical pattern of galaxy clustering can be used as a standard shape that is conserved with time.
The new analysis of the SDSS data indicates that the expansion of the universe is indeed accelerating but the acceleration is a little slower than expected in the flat LCDM universe. The dark energy equation of state parameter is measured to be w = −0.903±0.023, a 4.2σ deviation from −1! This finding of a new "w tension" inevitably leads us to discard the cosmological constant as the source for the accelerated expansion and consider alternative quintessence models. We are now making a more accurate measurement of w using the upcoming DESI survey data to test if w is constant or evolving.


Language: English

Slide Language: English


Remote access procedure:

A. Web browser: Chrome - When executing the address below, a program for additional zoom operation can be installed.

B. Access: Go to  https://zoom.us/j/92444602963?pwd=VXJzWE1zd3VkYmZ1SjRMeXRFQy9kQT09

C. Notice: After join, Please mute your microphone. - The default setting is microphone mute. > After the presentation, during the Q&A session, you can use the microphone to ask questions.


2024A KASI Colloquium Schedule


(This schedule may vary depending on the speakers' schedule.)


KASI Colloquium committee (Jongsoo Kim, Kwang-Il Seon, Chang Won Lee, Hong-Kyu Moon, Hyerim Noh, Jeong-Yeol Han)

Working committee (Jinho Kim, Youngbum Song, Jae Sok Oh, Yongmin Yoon, Youngsoo Jo, Kyeongsoo Hong)

이전글 [KASI Colloquium] Mar. 13 (Wed.) 4:00 pm - 사샤 트리...
다음글 2024 KARI Space Exploration and Science Seminar Series - No.01