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저자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2023-02-06 13:24:32 | |||||||||
안녕하세요? 이번주 수요일(2월 8일) 오전 10:30에 아래와 같이 KASI 행성과학 특별세미나가 진행될 예정입니다. 발표자 : 권유나 박사 (TU Braunschweig, 독일) 장소 : 장영실홀 331-2호 (Zoom 병행) 일시 : 2월 8일 (수) 오전 10:30 접속주소 : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89330618346?pwd=MFpQZHlPSnpaOHJPZWJzaVBGYjc1QT09 제목: ESA F-Class ‘Comet
Interceptor’ mission: Traces of Origins, Evolution, and Dynamics of Primitive
Solar System Bodies 초록: Many nearby solar-type stars are accompanied by disks of dusty
material indicating the presence of their own populations of planetesimals,
analogous to comets and asteroids in our own solar system. Dust plays a central
role in sculpting planetary systems as a building block of planetesimals as
well as a feedstock for synthesizing complex organic molecules and ice that
could be significant for habitability. As a result, the spatial distribution
and nature of dust in these debris disks provide essential clues to the
formation and subsequent dynamical evolution of planetary systems, with our
solar system being the only one whose details are accessible. To this end, the
Comet Interceptor (CI) is an ESA’s F (Fast)-class mission officially selected
in June 2019 and now undergoing development by the agency in cooperation with
JAXA, nominally scheduled for 2029. CI will explore the formation circumstances
of our solar system through dynamically new comets visiting the Sun from the
cryogenic Oort Cloud for the first time and interstellar comets. I will
introduce CI’s scientific goal and design and some pre-mission research and
activities, particularly in terms of dust science, in this talk. 진행언어 : 한국어 슬라이드언어 : 영어 |
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