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The 11th Galaxy Evolution Workshop
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2025-03-04 17:20:00
첨부파일 :

Dear Colleagues,


We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming workshop "The 11th Galaxy Evolution Workshop", which will be held in Nagoya, Japan, from August 25th to August 29th, 2025. Please find the attached details for your reference.  If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact us.


Best regards,

Ena Choi, and Kyuseok Oh, Jubee Sohn

on behalf of the Science Organizing Committee members:

Yi-Kuan Chiang, Kei Ito, Takuma Izumi, Daichi Kashino (SOC co-chair), Satoshi Kikuta,  Haruka Kusakabe, Hideki Umehata (LOC chair), Yoshiki Toba, Po-Feng Wu, Hidenobu Yajima


Date: August 25th (Monday) - August 29th (Friday), 2025
Location: Sakata-Hirata Hall, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan + Online (audience-only)

* To be updated continuously

[Scientific Rationale]
Galaxy evolution is a multi-faceted field that encompasses the physics of star formation and black holes, feedback mechanisms, the baryon cycle between galaxies and the intergalactic medium, and large-scale structure formation. The interplay between these processes shapes the diverse properties of galaxies observed across cosmic time. As new observational facilities and advanced simulations continue to refine our understanding, integrating knowledge from a broad range of approaches—including observations, theoretical studies, and numerical modeling—remains essential for constructing a comprehensive picture of galaxy formation and evolution.

With this motivation, we established the Galaxy Evolution Workshop series as a sustained platform to provide researchers with opportunities to present their latest findings, discuss emerging topics, and shape the future of the galactic science community. In particular, we aim to create a supportive environment for early-career researchers. Initially launched as a domestic meeting in Japan, the workshop expanded into an international event in 2021, when Taiwan and Korea joined as co-organizers starting with the 7th workshop. Since then, it has played a crucial role in fostering the growth of the East Asian galaxy research community.

This year, the 11th Galaxy Evolution Workshop will be hosted at Nagoya University, Japan. While we welcome contributed presentations on all aspects of galactic and extragalactic science, we also set a focused theme each year to facilitate the exchange of the latest research and promote in-depth discussions. For the 2025 workshop, our focused theme is "Emergence of Supermassive Black Holes", one of the most exciting and rapidly evolving areas in extragalactic astronomy. We are pleased to invite leading researchers who have made remarkable contributions to this field as keynote speakers. Additionally, we encourage submissions for contributed talks related to this theme.

Please register at:

Deadline for registration and abstract submission: 23:59, April 30, 2025 (Japan time)
** Participation fee: 2,000 JPY (onsite participation only; to be paid in cash at the reception on the day of the event).
** the number of on-site participants will be limited to ~150.
** Poster presentations will primarily be displayed onsite. We plan to allocate time for flash talks.

[Support for travel expenses]
If you wish to receive support for travel expenses from the workshop, please select the relevant option in the registration form. However, please be aware that at this point, it is unclear to what extent travel support can be provided, including whether it will be available at all.

For any questions, please feel free to contact: gew-2025 [add]

[Organizing Committee]
Yi-Kuan Chiang (ASIAA)
Ena Choi (University of Seoul)
Kei Ito (DAWN/Technical University of Denmark)
Takuma Izumi (NAOJ)
Jubee Sohn (Seoul National University)
Daichi Kashino (NAOJ, SOC co-chair)
Satoshi Kikuta (Univ. of Tokyo)
Haruka Kusakabe (NAOJ)
Hideki Umehata (Nagoya Univ., SOC co-chair, LOC chair)
Kyuseok Oh (KASI)
Yoshiki Toba (NAOJ)
Po-Feng Wu (National Taiwan University)
Hidenobu Yajima (Tsukuba University)

이전글 K-GMT Science Program 25B Call for Proposals Announcement
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