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작성자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2024-09-24 16:30:41 | |||||||||
*************************************************** Call for Proposals for the East Asian
VLBI Network (EAVN) for the 2025A semester Proposal submission deadline: 2024
November 1 (Fri.), 8:00 UT EAVN website: https://eavn.kasi.re.kr/ *************************************************** --- Major revisions from the 2024B
semester --- * Telescope time provided by Sejong is
changed tentatively in the 2025A semester (100 hours --> 50 hours; See also
Section 3). ----------------------------------------------- *** 1. Overview *** We invite proposals for open-use
observations with the East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN), which is the
international collaborative VLBI array between China, Korea, and Japan. In the
2025A semester, 15 telescopes (KaVA (VERA 4 x 20 m and KVN 4 x 21 m), Tianma 65
m, Sheshan 25 m, Nanshan 26 m, Takahagi 32 m, Hitachi 32 m, Yamaguchi 32 m, and
Sejong 22 m) participate in the EAVN open-use program. Note that two partner
telescopes of EAVN, Nobeyama 45 m and Kunming 40 m, do not join the open-use program
in the 2025A semester. *** 2. Observing mode *** EAVN provides opportunities of VLBI
observations with a data recording rate of 1 Gbps (total bandwidth of 256 MHz)
and with single polarization at 6.7, 22, and 43 GHz. Dual-polarization mode is
also opened on a shared-risk basis (KaVA 8 telescopes, Tianma, Nanshan, and
Takahagi). Dual-frequency (22 and 43 GHz) simultaneous observation system can
also be used for EAVN observations at KaVA and Sejong, while the observing term
in which the system is available will be determined later. Note that only the
single-polarization mode is operational for dual-frequency simultaneous
observation. Details of available observing mode can be found in the EAVN
Status Report on the EAVN website. *** 3. Telescope time and array
configuration *** The total available observation time for EAVN is up to 500
hours in the 2025A semester, while the available observing time for individual
EAVN telescopes are different. Please refer to the EAVN status report on the
EAVN website for more details. All EAVN observations will be allocated from
2025 January 16 – June 15, while note that Sejong’s telescope time will be
available from 2025 March 1 for replacement of the receiver. EAVN accepts a request for usage of
sub-array configuration (KaVA 8 telescopes and additional telescopes from
non-KaVA stations). There are several conditions of the antenna combination
depending on the observing frequency. Further details about the sub-array
configuration are shown in the EAVN status report. *** 4. Maximum total request time *** In the 2025A semester, no limitation of
the maximum request time for a single proposal is determined in case of usage
of only KaVA 8 telescopes, while one can request for the maximum total
telescope time of 50 hours for Tianma and Nanshan, and 24 hours for Takahagi,
Hitachi, Yamaguchi, and Sejong. EAVN accepts a proposal which requests
observations across two successive semesters (2025A (2025 January 16 – June 15)
and 2025B (2025 September 1 – 2026 January 15)). In this case, one can request
for the maximum total telescope time of 100 hours for Tianma and Nanshan, and
48 hours for Takahagi, Hitachi, Yamaguchi, and Sejong. *** 5. Target of opportunity *** EAVN accepts target of opportunity (ToO)
proposals. Note that Sejong cannot be included for ToO proposals. It is
strongly recommended that ToO proposals (especially expected ToO) are submitted
during the regular CfP, while unexpected or urgent ToO can be submitted as
Director's Discretionary Time (DDT) proposals at any time. Note that the total
approved time for ToO observation in the 2025A semester is limited to be 100
hours for ToO proposals for both expected and unexpected events. ToO proposals must address clear
triggering criteria to initiate an observation. ToOs are valid for one year
after it is approved. ToO proposals for DDT should follow the same way of
regular call and should be submitted via the EAVN website. *** 6. Proposal submission *** Proposals should be submitted via the
EAVN website. Proposers are asked to sign up with the EAVN website prior to
submitting a proposal. Proposal submission deadline is 2024 November 1 (Fri.),
8:00 UT. Please refer to the EAVN status report for detailed information about
the proposal format. The designated cover sheet form can be downloaded from the
EAVN websites. *** 7. Acknowledgment *** All EAVN users are asked to specify the
acknowledgment to EAVN in their publications. A template for the acknowledgment
can be found in the EAVN website. Sincerely, Mareki Honma Director of Mizusawa VLBI Observatory,
NAOJ Kee-Tae Kim Director of Radio Astronomy Division,
KASI Zhi-Qiang Shen Director of Shanghai Astronomical
Observatory, CAS and Na Wang Director of Xinjiang Astronomical
Observatory, CAS |
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