Call for proposals of the charged telescope time (Semester 2024 B) |
작성자 :
한국천문학회 |
등록일시 : 2024-07-18 09:47:33 |
for proposals of the charged telescope time (Semester 2024 B)
1. Charged telescope time (regular) period
From 1 November 2024 to 31 March 2025
2. Deadline
1 August 2024, 15:00JST [06:00UT]
3. Telescope time information:
Status report, application procedures, and other information are available on
the following website.
Observation preparation, observation procedure with the 45-m telescope, and
data reduction etc. are available on the following website.
Please note that:
- The second deadline (1 Dec. 2024) will be offered for observations for Feb.
to Mar. if there is a spare time after the first deadline.
- The second deadline (1 Dec. 2024) will not include the student program.
- The continuum mode for science target observation will not be offered.
- The observatory will not provide the observation assistant or supporter.
- Observations are carried out at Nobeyama (recommended for novice users) or
through remote observations from NAOJ Mitaka or other universities/institutes.
4. Proposal submission:
We accept the proposal only via the NAOJ-cloud submission. A LaTeX
template must be used to generate the PDF file that contains the observation
information. Scientific and technical justification are not required for
Regular Programs. The device setting table and co-i list should be submitted in
a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by using its template. Please see
the proposal information page for more detail.
5. Evaluation and time allocation:
- Proposals will not be evaluated or judged by referees, so
all proposals will be accepted essentially.
- 45-m observational time will be allocated by the Nobeyama Radio Observatory
- If the sum of time requests exceeds the offered slot, the observatory will
allocate time by treating requests evenly to fill offered slot. See Section 9.
Time allocation in the document for more details (https://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~nro45mrt/html/charge/charge.html).
6. Opportunities for Japanese graduate students
- NRO offers observing time free of charge for graduate students
belonging to Japanese universities/institutes within yearly limit of 100 hours
as the total sum.
- JSAC selects programs with time allocation within the total time
boundary, with priority to master-course students.
- Applicants for free-of-charge-opportunity
graduate-student proposals need to submit two-page Scientific Justification
in addition to the documents required for regular proposals (i.e., an
observation proposal, device setting xlsx file, and Co-I list xlsx file).
- Deadline of student program is once a year on August 1.
7. Questions?
Any questions about observations and preparations of proposals should be
submitted through the helpdesk: