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작성자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2024-05-20 10:45:28 | |||||||||
We are happy to announce that
the Joint Symposium of the Space Climate Symposium 9 and ISEE Symposium has opened the abstract submission. This will take place at Nagoya (Japan) on 1-4 October
2024, with a focus on "Extremity, Long-Term Variability, Data of solar
impacts on Earth" It would be lovely if we could have you and your
teammate at Nagoya, taking this opportunity. https://www.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~spaceclimate9/ We will have the following
sessions. SOLAR-STELLAR: Dynamo, TSI/SSI,
Long-term solar activity, Solar-stellar relations COSMIC ENVIRONMENT: Corona and
heliosphere, Cosmic rays, Cosmogenic isotopes, Extreme events TERRESTRIAL: Ionosphere and
Magnetosphere, Atmosphere and Climate, Space Weather, Extreme Events SPACE CLIMATE DATA: Data rescue,
Pre-Telescopic Data, Sunspot number recalibration |
이전글 | KGU) 2024년 KGU 연례학술대회 지정숙박 관련 안내 |
다음글 | 2024년 학술용어 정비 사업-천문학용어 제안요청 |