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작성자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2024-04-29 11:40:57 | |||||||||
1. KVN Call for Proposal (Single Dish) =========================================== Call for Proposals 2024B (Single Dish) Proposal submission deadline: 2024 June 3, 08:00 UT
KVN website: http://kvn.kasi.re.kr =========================================== The Korean VLBI Network (KVN) invites scientific proposals for
single dish observations for the 2024B season from Korean astronomical
community. Observations of successful proposals will be scheduled between 2024
September 1 and 2025 January 15. Proposals should be submitted via the KVN
website (http://kvn.kasi.re.kr) before the
deadline of UT 08:00 (KST 17:00) on 2024 June 3. The Korean VLBI Network (KVN) is operated by Korea Astronomy and
Space Science Institute (KASI, http://www.kasi.re.kr).
Its three 21m radio telescopes are located in Seoul, Ulsan and Jeju Island.
Both spectral and continuum observation modes are supported. Available
frequency bands are K (18-26 GHz) and Q (35-50 GHz), 86 (85-116 GHz), and 129
(125-142 GHz) GHz and simultaneous observation of the four frequency bands is
also possible. For each KVN telescope, 500 hours of single dish observation
time is available for this call. Therefore, total available time for three KVN
radio telescopes is about 1,500 hours. Proposers should use the KVN single dish application form and
carefully follow the instructions on the KVN website. The scientific and
technical justification must be provided within 3 pages. Details of the
information and current status of the KVN can be found in the KVN status report
on the KVN website (http://kvn.kasi.re.kr). Kee-Tae Kim Director of Radio Astronomy Division, KASI 2. KVN Call for Proposal (VLBI) =========================================== Call for Proposals 2024B (KVN VLBI) Proposal submission deadline: 2024 June 3, 08:00 UT KVN website: http://kvn.kasi.re.kr =========================================== The Korean VLBI Network (KVN) will conduct VLBI observations
during the 2024B season, which spans from September 1, 2024, to January 15,
2025. Due to the H-maser malfunction at KVN Tamna, astrometric observations
will not be available. However, KVN will still support VLBI observations for
fringe search or test observations with a single baseline. Proposals should be
submitted via the KVN website (http://kvn.kasi.re.kr)
before the deadline of UT 08:00 (KST 17:00) on 2024 June 3. The KVN Pyeongchang 21 m telescope will participate in the 2024B
semester on a shared-risk basis, with availability limited to a select number
of receivers. Specifically, the CTR (K/Q/W-band) receiver will be operational,
though the offered observing time may be adjusted based on installation and
maintenance requirements as the development progresses. Kee-Tae Kim Director of Radio Astronomy Division, KASI |
이전글 | [학총]2024년도 회원학회 의견 수렵 협조 요청 |
다음글 | 제16회 고천문워크숍 공지 |
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