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The 9th International Space Climate Symposium (Space Climate 9): Extremity, Long-Term Variability, and Data of Solar Impacts on Earth
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2024-02-08 10:50:33
첨부파일 :

Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Friends,


With pleasure, we wish to invite You to


The 9th International Space Climate Symposium (Space Climate 9): 

Extremity, Long-Term Variability, and Data of Solar Impacts on Earth 


to be held in Nagoya, one of the historical and economic centers in Japan, on 1-4 October 2024.


This will be an in-person meeting. 


The objective of Space Climate is to study the extremity, the long-term variability, and data of the solar-terrestrial environments, space-climate impacts on the heliosphere, Earth’s space environment, atmosphere, climate, and their possible impact on human civilizations. 


Details on venue, registration, scientific program, accommodation etc., are available on the meeting website


All questions, enquires, comments related to the meeting, can be sent to


Important deadlines (preliminary): 

Abstract submission deadline for Oral contributions: 30 June 2024

Abstract submission deadline for Poster contribution: 15 July  2024.

Early bird registration deadline: 31 July 2024.


Welcome to Space Climate 9 in Nagoya!


On behalf of SOC and LOC

Hisashi Hayakawa

Agnieszka Gil 

Ilya Usoskin 

Fusa Miyake

Kalevi Mursula


이전글 [학술대회]24년 봄 학술대회 지정숙박 안내
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