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EA-SKA Workshop in Korea - Registration Open
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2023-06-13 10:32:28
첨부파일 :

Dear colleagues,


We are pleased to announce the upcomingEast Asia SKA Workshop, scheduled to take place on Jeju Island in South Koreafrom October 30 to November 3, 2023. This workshop aims to facilitatecollaboration and discussion among astronomers and researchers from the EastAsia region and beyond regarding the latest developments in the SKA (SquareKilometre Array) project, with a particular emphasis on SKA science.

East Asia is a key partner in the SKA project, with countries including Korea,China, Japan, Taiwan, and India contributing to the design, construction, andscience of the SKA. Additionally, researchers in this region have been activelyconducting astronomical research related to the SKA. To prepare proactively forthis trend, international workshops, "EA-SKA in China" in 2019 and"EA-SKA in Japan" in 2021, have been held in the East Asia region. Inline with this, we plan to host "EA-SKA in Korea" on October 30 -November 3, 2023. This conference will provide a platform for astronomers andresearchers from the East Asia region and beyond to discuss the latestdevelopments of the SKA project, with a particular focus on the SKA science.

During the conference, a wide range of science topics will be covered,encompassing areas such as the early universe, galaxy formation and evolution,dark matter and dark energy, VLBI studies, and SKA data center development.Moreover, this platform will provide an excellent opportunity for researchersto present their latest findings and exchange ideas with colleagues from aroundthe world. Through fostering collaboration and idea-sharing, we aim to advanceour understanding of the universe, which is essential for the success of theSKA project.


The workshop program will feature five days ofplenary discussions and breakout sessions, focusing on the following topicsincluding but not limited to:


·  Diffuse cosmicsynchrotron radiation

·  Epoch ofreionization

·  HI in (nearby)galaxies

·  Cosmology withthe SKA

·  Galaxy evolutionin the large-scale structure

·  Technicalcontributions to SKA


·  Pulsars andgravitational wave + Time Domain SKA science

·  SKA technology,construction, software, and data center

·  Regionalcollaborations for the SKA


The website for registration is open at thefollowing link:


The deadline for registration and abstractsubmission is August 31, 2023. 


Please note that due to limited capacity, theworkshop can accommodate a maximum of 100 participants. In the event ofover-subscription, the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) will selectparticipants based on their planned contributions to the workshop. We have arranged a block reservation for rooms at a special grouprate in the conference hotel, which can accommodate a maximum of 56participants. For more information and access to the hotel reservation form,please visit the meeting website.


We are currently finalizing the list of invitedspeakers, which will be updated soon. Stay tuned for further announcements,including the release of the workshop program and breakout session details, onSeptember 31.


For any inquiries or assistance, please feelfree to reach out to the SOC or LOC via


* Scientific Organizing Committee:

Kyungjin Ahn, Tao An, Aeree Chung (Co-chair),Yashwant Gupta, Hyunwoo Kang, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Min-Young Lee, DavidParkinson, Dongsu Ryu, Se-Heon Oh (Chair), Bong Won Sohn, Koichiro Sugiyama,Keitaro Takahashi, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi, Zhi-Qiang Shen, Geoffrey Bower


* Local Organizing Committee:

Junhyun Baek, Aeree Chung (Chair), HyunwooKang, Jae-Young Kim, Hye-Seung Lee, Geumsook Park, Minji Oh, Se-Heon Oh


We look forward to your participation andcontribution at the EA-SKA workshop.


Best regards,


Se-Heon Oh

On behalf of the SOC and LOC



이전글 2023 천문학 대중화 지원사업 공모
다음글 동아시아 행성과학 여름학교 개최안내