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"Windows on the Universe": Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the "Rencontres du Vietnam"
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2023-03-20 10:09:25
첨부파일 :

천문학회 회원께,


올해 2023 8 6-12일 베트남 퀴논에서 개최되는 아래 학회를 안내해 드립니다.


"Windows on the Universe": Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the "Rencontres du Vietnam"


초록 마감:  6 1 (contributed talks & posters) 

등록 마감:  7 6


2개 분야의 parallel meeting으로 구성:

(1) Windows on the Universe: Astrophysics

(2) Windows on the Universe: Particle Physics


Conference "Windows on the Universe": Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the "Rencontres du Vietnam",

August 6-12th 2023, ICISE, Quy Nhon (Central Vietnam)
Next summer, the third "Windows on the Universe" Conference will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Rencontres du Vietnam. 
It will consist of two joint conferences:
*Windows on the Universe: Astrophysics*, and *Windows on the Universe: Particle Physics*
The main topics of the conference are:
Windows on Cosmology (e.g., CMB polarization, Large-scale structures, Hubble tension)
Windows on Galaxies (including the Milky Way: e.g., Massive star evolution, supernovae, compact objects, cosmic rays, galactic center)
Windows on Planets (including the Solar System: e.g., census of exoplanets, atmospheres, formation, outer solar system)
Particle Physics:
Precision tests of the Standard Model, Higgs boson properties, BSM searches at colliders,
Precision measurements in Heavy Flavor decays, Tests of CPV through EDM searches, g-2
Neutrinos, Strong interactions physics (heavy ions, spectroscopy...), Fixed target experiments, Dark matter and Axion searches, New technologies and facilities.
The Conference will include Common sessions and each conference will hold in separate parallel Plenary sessions. The "Common sessions", held each day, will consist of invited, unspecialized presentations of interest to both the Particle Physics and Astrophysics communities, while the "Plenary sessions" will be more focused and address scientific highlights of interest for each community, keeping in mind the wide range of topics addressed.
The Astrophysics Conference chairs are:
- Thierry Montmerle (co-Chair: IAP, Paris, France,,
- Hien T. Nguyen (co-Chair: JPL/Caltech, Pasadena, USA,
The scientific program is in preparation, but abstract submission is already open 
(; answers will be notified within a few days. The closing deadline is June 1st.
Papers submitted may be presented orally ("Contributed talks"), and/or in Poster form, that will be up for the whole duration of the Conference.
이전글 대한민국 천문자산의 세계기록유산 등재를 위한 비전 선포식 및 학술대회
다음글 2023 샛별상 수상자 공지