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Focus Workshop on Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence in GW Universe Research
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2022-03-25 12:14:50
첨부파일 :

Focus Workshop on Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence in GW Universe Research

Date and time: April 7, 2022   9:00 - 18:00


Machine learning and artificial intelligence play a crucial role in modern data science. AI is a kind of machine learning approaches that helps to extract fine structures of knowledge by learning the given data. Recent success of deep learning methods is based on the large-scale distribution of the artificial neurons as a nonlinear functional that could approximate even a tiny information in the knowledge manifold of the given data. This workshop introduces recent progress on ML and AI methodologies in cosmology and gravitational wave astronomy and provides a meeting space for researchers working in this area to share their research and ideas.


§   There is no registration fee but the registration is required.

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이전글 [KASI] 2022년 한국천문연구원 제1차 정규직(연구직) 채용공고
다음글 서울대학교 물리천문학부 (우종학 교수 연구그룹) 박사후연구원 채용공고