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KASI-Carnegie Fellowship Program 공고
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2009-06-15 16:34
첨부파일 :
한국천문연구원 대형망원경 사업에서 아래와 같은 박사후 연구원을 공고합니다. 신청은 2009년 7월 1일부터 8월 30일 (2달) 동안 받겠습니다. 2009 KASI ? Carnegie Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (Carnegie Observatories) invite applications for a four (4) - year KASI-Carnegie Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship in astronomy, to begin in November 2009. The Fellow with a Korean Ph.D. degree is expected to work for the first two (2) years at thㅣe main office of the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena and the following two (2) years at KASI in Korea. The Fellow with a Ph.D. degree obtained from countries other than Korea is expected to work for the first two (2) years at KASI and the following two (2) years at the main office of the Carnegie Observatories. The order of the work place assignment among KASI and Carnegie Observatories and the duration of each stay is negotiable. We encourage applications from broad areas of astronomy and astrophysics, although preference will be given to researchers working in areas in which KASI and Carnegie have active research interests and particularly those relevant to the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). Both institutions are founding members of the GMT Corporation. The Fellow will have full access to all the resources and facilities of both Institutions. KASI resources and observing facilities include the 128 Core Xeon PC Cluster (RAM256GB), the 1.8-meter Bohyunsan optical telescope, the 1.0-meter Mt. Lemmon optical telescope, the 61-cm Sobaeksan optical telescope, the 14-meter Taeduk radio telescope, and the Korean Very Long Baseline Interferometer (KVN). Carnegie operates the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile, which include the twin 6.5-m Magellan telescopes, the 2.5-meter Dupont and the 1.0-meter Swope telescope. Interested persons should submit the following documents: ▶ a curriculum vitae; and ▶ a statement of current research; and ▶ a research plan based on the resources and facilities available at both institutions; and ▶ arrange for three letters of reference to BOTH KASI and Carnegie Observatories. Applications should be submitted by 30th August 2009 via e-mail: (for KASI) and (for Carnegie Observatories). Selection of the successful candidate will be made by a joint KASI-Carnegie committee. The successful candidate will be provided with the remuneration (starting from around 46,000,000 Won (?35,000 USD) per annum; the currency conversion rate between US Dollar and Korean Won employed here is 1.00 USD equates 1,300 Korean Won) and other benefits equivalent to those for the permanent staff working in KASI during his or/her stay at KASI, considering his or/her educational background and research experiences. While the equivalent sum of remuneration (around 54,000 USD per annum) to the one for the post-doctorate working in Carnegie Observatories will be paid during his (her) stay at Carnegie Observatories. Enquiries may be addressed to: KASI ? Dr. Lyo (e-mail: Carnegie Observatories ? Dr. John Mulchaey (e-mail:
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