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AKARI, a light to illuminate the misty Universe
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2008-10-31 10:47
첨부파일 :
Dear AKARI Conference SOC members, I am sorry to bother you. We found a minor typo in the previous announcement. If you have not distributed it yet, please use the attached one. The announcement in the web site has been revised. Sincerely yours, Takashi ================================================================== First announcement of the conference AKARI, a light to illuminate the misty Universe to be held from February 16 - 19, 2009 at Fukutake Hall, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Objectives The goal of this meeting is to present latest results based on observations of AKARI together with related topics to the wide international community. AKARI is the Japanese satellite mission fully dedicated to infrared astronomy. It is a JAXA mission with the participation of ESA. AKARI was launched in February 2006 and completed an all-sky survey observation in 6 infrared bands from 9 to 160 micron in about 1.5 years. It also made staring observations in imaging and spectroscopic modes in the 2 -- 180 micron wavelength range until 2007 August. It is now continuing near-infrared observations in the 2 -- 5 microns range. The meeting covers a wide range of astronomical fields where AKARI made significant contributions, from solar system objects to cosmology. Main topics Solar system objects and zodiacal light Planetary and star formation Stellar evolution and mass loss Interstellar medium Nearby galaxies Active galactic nuclei and ultra-luminous infrared galaxies Deep survey of remote galaxies Infrared cosmic background Scientific Organizing Committee Takashi Onaka (UoT) Yoshikazu Nakada (UoT) Hiroshi Murakami (ISAS/JAXA) Hideo Matsuhara (ISAS/JAXA) Motohide Tamura (NAOJ) Nobuo Arimoto (NAOJ) Hidehiro Kaneda (Nagoya U) Hyung Mok Lee (SNU) Seungsoo Hong (SNU) Michael Rowan-Robinson (IC) Glenn White (Open U) Martin Kessler (ESA) Peter Barthel (RUG) George Helou (IPAC) Location This conference will be held in Fukutake Hall of the University of Tokyo ( located right in the center of Tokyo, Japan. It is a brand new conference hall of the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies and equipped with the latest conference facilities. Since the University of Tokyo is located in the center of Tokyo, you can easily find out hotels and restaurants in close distances as well as places for entertainment. WEB-site and registration Additional information on the conference can be found at There will be room for contributed talks and posters. If you are interested in the conference and would like to receive further information, please fill in the following preregistration form and send it to The conference web page will provide accommodation information soon. We hope to see you in Tokyo in February. On behalf of the SOC and LOC Takashi Onaka ============== Preregistration Form =============================== AKARI, a light to illuminate the misty Universe February 16 - 19, 2009 at Fukutake Hall, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Name Institute e-mail address Plan to make presentation Yes/No ========Send back to =================
이전글 2008년도 국제천문올림피아드 한국 종합 1위
다음글 IYA2009 소개 및 요청사항