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FIRST CIRCULAR - The 1st CPS International School of Planetary Sciences 2009
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2008-08-22 10:51
첨부파일 :
한국천문학회 회원여러분께 서울대학교 홍승수회원의 요청으로 FIRST CIRCULAR - The 1st CPS International School of Planetary Sciences 2009 안내문을 보내드립니다. 한국천문학회 사무과장 드림 -------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST CIRCULAR The 1st CPS International School of Planetary Sciences 2009 "DUST IN SPACE" January 5 - 9, 2009 LOCATION: SEAPAL SUMA, Kobe, Japan. ENROLLMENT: 60 participants Deadline for Application: September 22, 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- We cordially invite young scientists to participate in the 1st CPS International School of Planetary Science 2009. This school aims at promoting education and research in planetary science for highly motivated graduate students and young researchers worldwide. It will offer them an opportunity to interact with leading scientists in a specific scientific field of the year. The present school is the heritage of the Kobe International Planetary School held under the Kobe University 21 Century COE program. This year's topic of the school will be "Dust in Space", reflecting the coming retirement of Prof. Tadashi Mukai, who was the leader of the 21th COE program "Origin and Evolution of Planetary Systems" and is the most well-known Japanese scientist in cosmic dust research. Internationally well-established experts in dust science will review recent progress in our understandings of interstellar dust, interplanetary dust, cometary dust, and dust in protoplanetary disks and debris disks. The lecturers and their topics are listed below: Juergen Blum --- How large can dust aggregates really grow by collisions in protoplanetary disks? Bruce T. Draine --- Modeling of interstellar dust Seung Soo Hong --- A three-dimensional model of the interplanetary dust cloud Wing-Huen Ip --- Dust-plasma interactions Elmar K. Jessberger --- Some stories told from cometary dust and IDP compositions Alexander V. Krivov --- Debris disks: Seeing dust, thinking of planetesimals and planets Takashi Onaka --- Observations of dust in space from space Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd --- Optical properties of dust particles in the solar system, with emphasis on cometary dust The school will take place at Seapal Suma, a casual seaside resort located west to the central part of Kobe. (the official website, Japanese only) (in English from a hotel booking site) This school is sponsored by the Global Center of Excellence (GCOE) Program: "Foundation of International Center for Planetary Science", a joint project between Kobe University and Hokkaido University. The Organizing Committee of the school will select 60 participants in total on the basis of their applications. We look forward to receiving your applications. Tetsuo Yamamoto (Chair of the Organizing Committee) ------SCHEDULE OF THE SCHOOL The school will start at 15:00 on January 5th by check-ins of all the participants and an opening reception, followed by a dinner (17:30-19:00) and poster presentations by the participants (19:00-21:00). The school will be closed at 12:00 on January 9th, followed by a lunch at the venue. Detailed schedule will be available in the next announcement. ------TARGET PARTICIPANTS AND SELECTION The course is targeted mainly to doctoral students and postdocs. The school is international in scope and we welcome applicants from any country. We will select 60 participants based on (1) the level and suitability of your qualifications (neither too high nor too low) and (2) the relevance of your works and interests to planetary science (we attach importance to the way you describe them). Applications should be made by filling out the attached form, and sending it by e-mail to . The deadline for application is September 22, 2008. Selection will be made by the Organizing Committee and the decision will be sent to the applicants by September 30, 2008. ------FINANCIAL SUPPORT A limited amount of funds is available for approximately 30 successful participants, and the amount of money paid to individual awardees will be decided by the Organizing Committee. Please indicate your intension and estimate your transportation expenses on the application form if you would like to request financial support. Note that January 5th is probably still in the New Year's celebrations in Japan, therefore, your flight ticket might cost more than the standard rate. The amount of financial support made available to the recipients will be informed by September 30, 2008. ------EXPECTED ATTENDANCE COSTS [REGISTRATION FEE] Registration fee is 10,000 JPY. This includes: the reception, coffee breaks, beverages at the poster session, and an extra cost for the banquet scheduled on the dinner time on Jan. 8th. [ACCOMMODATION] All participants are expected to stay in Seapal Suma by sharing a room with 3 other participants (4 in 1). The room is a Japanese style, namely, a large room floored with tatami mats and equipped with a toilet. There is no tub/shower in the room, but the hotel has an ocean-view public bath for each gender equipped with a huge tub at the top floor. We expect that the room will cost approximately 36,000 JPY per person to share the room for four nights. If you do not like to share the room, you may occupy the room alone by paying approximately 48,000 JPY for four nights. Alternatively, Japanese-style rooms with both toilet and tub/shower are available with approximately 38,000-50,000 JPY per person for four nights, depending on the number of people to share the room. We will allocate rooms to participants according to the requests from the participants, but may not always fulfill their preferences, because only a limited number of rooms, in particular, the rooms with a shower/tub are available. [MEALS] The above-mentioned cost for the accommodation includes all the meals during the school (from the dinner on Jan. 5th to the lunch on Jan. 9th), EXCEPT for the dinner on Jan. 7th, when an excursion or free time is tentatively planned in the afternoon. [DOMESTIC TRANSPORTATION] The venue is located about 100 min. from Kansai International Airport (KIX) (65 min. by shuttle bus to Kobe Sannomiya, 5 min. walk from the bus stop to JR Sannomiya railway station, 12-15 min. by train to JR Suma railway station, plus 12 min. walk from the station). The bus fare from the airport is 1,800 JPY and the train ticket costs 170 JPY. The nearest airport to the venue is Kobe Airport (UKB), from which Port Liner, an urban fully automated guideway transit (AGT) system, will take you to JR Sannomiya railway station in 16-18 min. (320 JPY). Osaka International Airport, another name, Itami Airport (ITM), is also convenient to JR Sannomiya station. It takes approximately 40 min. by bus and costs 1,020 JPY. ------IMPORTANT DATES 22 Sep. 2008--- Deadline for application 30 Sep. 2008--- Notification of our decision to the applications including the financial support 30 Nov. 2008--- Abstract deadline for poster presentation 5-9 Jan. 2009--- The 1st CPS International Planetary School ------CONTACT INFORMATION E-mail: Post-mail: Akiko M. Nakamura Center for Planetary Science Graduate School of Science, Kobe University 1-1 Rokkodai, Nada Kobe 657-8501 Japan Fax: +81-78-803-5791 -------------------------------------------------------------- Organizing Committee of the 1st CPS Kobe Planetary School 2009 ``Dust in Space'', Center for Planetary Science, Kobe University -------------------------------------------------------------- Tetsuo Yamamoto (Hokkaido University) Akiko M. Nakamura (Kobe University) Kohei Kitazato (Kobe University) Hidekazu Tanaka (Hokkaido University) Hiroshi Kimura (Hokkaido University) -------------------------------------------------------------- ------APPLICATION FORM Please complete the following application form and e-mail this form to by September 22, 2008. -----cut here ----------- cut here ------------- cut here ---------- Application for participation in the Planetary School January 5 - 9, 2009 1. Name (family name, given name) __________________________ 2. Status/Degree (M1/M2/D1/D2/D3/postdoc for domestic applicants, master's or doctoral (Ph.D.) students/postdocs for foreign applicants, exclusive of bachelor or diploma students) _____________________________ 3. Affiliation (Department and Institution) _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Postal address ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Citizenship (Country) _______________________ 6. E-mail address ______________________________ 7. Phone number ______________________________ 8. FAX number ______________________________ 9. Your current research subject(s) or interests (about 400 words); _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Reference Information: Name, affiliation, and e-mail address of a person whom we could consult about your qualifications (usually a supervisor for your thesis or a person in charge of your position). _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. Are you planning to present a poster? (Yes/Maybe/No) _________ 12. Do you request financial support? (Yes/No) ____ 13. Estimate of transportation expenses (If Yes in Item 12): ________________________ (JPY/USD/EURO) Departure from: _________, Arrival at: _________ Airline Company (for foreign applicants):_________ If possible, please attach a written estimate from your travel agency or air company. 14. Preferred room type: (a) a Japanese-style room w/o tub/shower for share (approx. 36,000 JPY), (b) a Japanese-style room w/ tub for share (approx. 38,000-50,000 JPY), (c) a Japanese-style room w/o tub/shower for single use (approx. 48,000 JPY), or (d) a Japanese-style room w/ tub for single use (approx. 50,000 JPY). ________________________ --------- end of the application form ------------------------------
이전글 세종대학교 박사후 연구원모집
다음글 2008년도 한국천문학회 가을 학회보 연구홍보 광고게재 요청