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대만 전파학교 (The Second Asian Radio Astronomy School (2nd Announcement))
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2008-05-14 11:38
첨부파일 :
Dear colleagues, This is the second announcement for the Second Asian Radio Astronomy School to be held on August 18-22, 2008 at Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA) in Taipei, Taiwan. Program : A tentative school program is available online at the school website. This school is intended for students and scientists with strong interests in carrying out research with radio interferometric facilities. Starting with an evening reception on Aug 17th (Sunday), the program includes lectures on the fundamental concepts of radio astronomy and interferometry, as well as a number of selected facilities such as Japanese and Asian VLBI, VSOP-2, SMA, and ALMA. Significant emphasis will be given to the interferometric data reduction and imaging processes and hands-on exercises with the SMA and Japanese VLBI observational data. Information about the confirmed lecturers and instructors will be updated on the website. Registration : The online registration has been open since April 15th, 2008. Due to the lecture hall and lodging capacity, the number of attendant is limited to 100 people. Should there be too many applicants, priority will be given to applicants from Taiwan, Japan, and the East Asian region. Lodging and Support: ASIAA will provide shared accommodation on the Academia Sinica campus for participants (except those from Taipei city/county) during the school period from Aug 17th to Aug 22th. Maps are available on the school web site. Lunches and a banquet will also be arranged during the school period. Overseas participants are, however, expected to meet their own travel and other expenses. Related information can be found on the school web page at Inquiries regarding the school can be made to the following e-mail address, Important Dates : March 26, 2008 : First Circular April 15, 2008 : Online registration opens April 20, 2008 : Second Circular; Tentative lecture program online June 15, 2008 : Registration Deadline June 30, 2008 : Selection and announcement of attendees (if necessary) August 01, 2008 : Final circular; Lecture material online August 18, 2008 : School begins Organizing Committee (in alphabetic order) : Vivien Chen (NTHU) Yoshiaki Hagiwara (Space VLBI, NAOJ) Tomoya Hirota (VERA, NAOJ) Daisuke Iono (U of Tokyo/NAOJ) Ryohei, Kawabe (NRO, NAOJ) Patrick Koch (ASIAA) Chin-Fei Lee (ASIAA) Sheng-Yuan Liu (ASIAA) Kohichiro Morita (NAOJ) Shigehisa Takakuwa (ASIAA)
이전글 한국교원대학교 교수공채 - 지구과학교육과(천문학박사)
다음글 한국천문학회 신임이사 후보 추천