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The 2nd Workshop on Gamma Ray Bursts Study in Korea
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2008-04-24 11:37
첨부파일 :
Title: The 2nd Workshop on Gamma Ray Bursts Study in Korea Web site: Date: Dec. 18, 2007 (Tuesday) (one day before president election) Place: 한양대학교 자연과학대학 네이쳐 홀(H36-121호), Nature Hall (H36-121), Natural Science College, Hanyang Univ. Seoul, Korea Language: Korean Speakers and Titles: Time Speaker Title 10:00-10:10 Lee, Hyun Kyu (Hanyang Univ.) "Opening Address" [ Session 1 - Theory ( 10:10 - 12:00 ) ] 10:10-10:40 Lee, Chang-Hwan (Pusan Nat'l Univ.) "Introduction to GRB: Classification and Progenitors" 10:40-11:10 Chang, Heon-Young (Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.) GRB Theory (TBA) 11:10-11:40 Kim, Soon-Wook (KASI) "TBA" 11:40-12:10 Cho, Hee-Suk (Pusan Nat'l Univ.) "BH Spin Up via Compact Star Merger: Candidate of SHB" Lunch Break ( 12:10 - 13:40 ) [ Session 2 ? Observation and Data Analysis ( 13:30 - 15:30) ] 13:40-14:10 Im, Myungshin (Seoul Nat'l Univ.) "First Results from GRB Optical Afterglow Observations Using a Korean Telescope" 14:10-14:30 Jeong, Soomin (Ewha Womans Univ.) "Update of Long Soft GRB Analysis" 14:30-15:00 Nam, Shinwoo (Ewha Womans Univ.) "Data processing of GRB" Coffee Break ( 15:00 - 15:30 ) [ Session 3 ? Experiment and Instrumentation ( 15:30 - 17:50 ) ] 15:30-16:00 Park, Il Hung (Ewha Womans Univ.) "NASA proposal of Ultra Fast Flash Observatory" 16:00-16:20 Jeong, Soomin (Ewha Womans Univ.) "Observational limit on MEMS UV/optical/IR telescope" 16:20-16:50 Kim, Sug-Hwan (Yonsei Univ.) "Optics for GRB Observation" 16:50-17:20 Kim, Hongjoo (Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.) "Scintillation crystals for X-ray and gamma-ray detection" 17:20-17:50 Kim, Yeongduk (Sejong Univ.) "X-ray and gamma-ray detectors for GRB"
이전글 winter school in Taiwan
다음글 조선대학교 2008년 관측천문학 시간강사 초빙