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winter school in Taiwan
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2008-04-24 11:36
첨부파일 :
TIARA Winter School on Exoplanets in TIARA-NTHU Date: 21 Jan ~ 25 Jan, 2008 Place: TIARA, 8F, 2nd General Bldg., Hsinchu, Taiwan URL: ANNOUNCEMENT: The aim of this winter school is to provide an expository overview of the observational and theoretical understanding of extra-solar planets. The tentative lecture topics include (but are not limited to) the origin and evolution of planets and planetary systems, planetary interiors, planetary atmospheres and climate evolution, planet migration, planet detection techniques, habitable zones, and the search for extraterrestrial life. Due to resource constraints, the participants are limited to 50 graduate or advanced undergraduate students from within Taiwan and internationally. The deadline date for the registration is Dec. 31, 2007. For more details about registration, the program, and the local information, please visit the URL at PROVISIONAL SPEAKERS: Eric Agol (U. of Washington) Isabelle Baraffe (ENS Lyon) Alan Boss (Carnegie Inst. Wash.) Ing-Guey Jiang (NTHU) James Kasting (Penn State U.) Danie Liang (Academia Sinica) Kristen Menou (Columbia U.) Jason Wright (UC Berkeley) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Pin-Gao Gu Wing Ip Ing-Guey Jiang Sun-Kun King Typhoon Lee Ronald Taam Contact TIARA Winter School: E-mail: TEL: 886-3-574-2777
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