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작성자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2021-06-21 12:53:11 | |||||||||
PPVII Pre-Registration: Dear Colleagues, We are now starting the pre-registration of PPVII meeting. Given the uncertain situation of COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination, PP7 organizers consider that it is good to start with an unofficial pre-registration, so that we can (PPVII Pre-Registration:
Dear Colleagues,
We are now starting the pre-registration of
PPVII meeting. Given the uncertain situation
of COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination, PP7 organizers consider that it is good
to start with an unofficial pre-registration, so that we can (A) make an e-mail
list for potential participants to provide updates on the conference and (B)
know the intent of participation to estimate the number of on-site participants
and poster presentations. We hope to start the official registration late
summer or early autumn. Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, on behalf of PP7 EditorsA) make an e-mail
list for potential participants to provide updates on the conference and (B)
know the intent of participation to estimate the number of on-site participants
and poster presentations. We hope to start the official registration late
summer or early autumn. |
이전글 | 연세대학교 천문우주학과 전임교원 초빙 공고 |
다음글 | [한국과학창의재단] 2021년 과학문화활동지원사업 공모 안내 |