East Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2021 |
작성자 :
한국천문학회 |
등록일시 : 2020-12-04 08:57:34 |
Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2021
Dear Colleague,
It is our pleasure to announce the East Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2021,
hosted by KASI (Korea). Please refer to the details given below. The
registration is open now.
Yours truly,
** Details **
Time: 2021 February 17 (Wed) – 19 (Fri)
Place: Online
Host organization: KASI, Daejeon, Korea
Website: http://alma.kasi.re.kr/almakasi2021/
** Rationale **
The East Asian ALMA Science Workshop, held annually, serves as a forum to
exchange and discuss many new and exciting scientific results obtained with
ALMA as well as new ideas for future projects and new proposals for the
upcoming cycle 8. The 2021 workshop will be hosted by KASI in Korea. We invite
all colleagues affiliated with the East Asian ALMA community to participate and
to share their work.
Due to the travel restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the workshop
will be fully online. Nevertheless, local meetings of the various national
communities may be organized by local host institutes.
We plan to accommodate most, if not all, presentations in the form of talks.
Depending on the number of abstracts we receive, we may have to relegate some
presentations to a dedicated poster session when finalizing the program.
** Important dates **
Abstract deadline: 2021 Jan 5 (Tue)
Program announcement: 2021 Jan 25 (Mon)
Registration deadline: 2021 Feb 8 (Mon)
** SOC **
Nanase Harada (NAOJ, Division of Science)
Tomoya Hirota (NAOJ, Mizusawa)
Hanae Inami (Hiroshima University)
Jeong-Eun Lee (Kyung Hee University)
Min-Young Lee (KASI)
Lihwai Lin (ASIAA)
Satoshi Ohashi (RIKEN)
Sascha Trippe (Seoul National University)
Wei-Hao Wang (ASIAA)
Ya-Lin Wu (National Taiwan Normal University)
Hsi-Wei Yen (ASIAA)
** LOC **
Jihyun Kang (KASI)
Yusuke Aso (KASI)
Min-Young Lee (KASI)
Aran Lyo (KASI)
Ki-Jeong Yim (KASI)
Jongsoo Kim (KASI)