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작성자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2020-07-03 10:29:10 | |||||||||
Dear all, Applications are invited for a two-year postdoctoral position, offered by the Center for High Energy Astrophysics (CHEA), UNIST. A successful candidate will work at Chungbuk National University (CBNU) with Prof. Kimitake Hayasaki on the theory of tidal disruption events and/or other related topics. The starting date could be as early as October 2020. but is negotiable. A further detail of the position can be found on the website: Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions: kimi.hayasaki@gmail.com (Kimitake Hayasaki) Best regards, Kimitake Hayasaki (CBNU) ========================================
이전글 | 2020 천문우주관측기기 워크숍 (온라인 디지털 포럼) 안내 |
다음글 | 2020 서브 밀리미터 여름 학교 |
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