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작성자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2020-06-30 13:39:42 | |||||||||
Content of JKAS June 2020 Issue Dear members and friends of the KAS, it is my pleasure to bring to you the content of the latest issue of JKAS (vol. 53, no. 3, June 2020). This issue contains the following papers: Semi-Analytic Models for Electron Acceleration in Weak ICM Shocks by Hyesung Kang http://jkas.kas.org/_common/do.php?a=current&b=11&bidx=1997&aidx=24309 Sun Flux Variations due to Orbiting Planets: The Solar System as a Non-Compact Planetary System by Hugo Barbier et al. http://jkas.kas.org/_common/do.php?a=current&b=11&bidx=1997&aidx=24310 Chemical Diagnostics of the Massive Star Cluster-Forming Cloud G33.92+0.11. IV. Hierarchical Structure by Young Chol Minh et al. http://jkas.kas.org/_common/do.php?a=current&b=11&bidx=1997&aidx=24311 For more news and information on JKAS, have a look at our web page http://jkas.kas.org or visit us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AstroJKAS or Twitter https://twitter.com/AstroJKAS Truly yours, Sascha Trippe JKAS Editor-in-Chief ----------------------------------------------------------- |
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