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작성자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2019-06-17 11:22 | |||||||||
======================================= Special Supplementary Call for South Korean Proposals – for Semester 19B The East Asian Observatory invites JCMT observing proposals with Principal Investigators (PIs) affiliated with a South Korean institution only for a special Supplementary Call for Proposals. All prospective PIs should review the JCMT eligibility requirements page prior to the preparation and submission of a proposal. The length of the proprietary period for all data taken for successful proposals shall be the usual 1 year. Proposals for this “Rapid Turnaround”-style Call are limited in accordance with the following constraints: • All proposals must be led by a PI affiliated with a South Korean institution; • Specific time allocation limits: o Time allocations may be made for up to 24 hours for proposals requesting weather bands 1 – 3 (with no guarantee of a full allocation); o Time allocations may be made for up to 48 hours for proposals requiring weather band 4; o There is no time allocation limit for proposals requesting band 5 weather. The proposal submission deadline for this special 19B Supplementary Call for Proposals is July 8th, 2019. All proposals submitted for this Call shall be peer-reviewed by the proposal creator (or designated co-author) of other proposals also submitted for this Call. The proposal Peer Review deadline for this Call is July 22nd, 2019. By submitting a proposal, all proposing teams are committing themselves to providing ratings and brief written assessments of several other proposals submitted for this Call by this deadline. Any proposing team that fails to provide a full set of reviews for their assigned proposals by the above review deadline shall have their own proposal removed from the review process. All such proposals shall be regarded as abandoned by the Observatory. Semester 19B runs from August 1st, 2019 to January 31st, 2020. You can access the proposal handling system, Hedwig, and find complete details of this Call at: https://proposals.eaobservatory.org/jcmt/semester/12/rapid Any further questions should be directed to our help desk: helpdesk@eaobservatory.org If this is your first visit to Hedwig, you should go to ‘Log in’ and generate an account. There is a ‘Help’ facility at the upper right corner, and individual Help tags at many other places. |
이전글 | 해외교육지원단 4기 원정대 모집 공고 |
다음글 | 2019 전파망원경 사용자회의 및 전파 여름학교 |
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