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작성자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2019-06-07 11:13 | |||||||||
Call for Proposals Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) would like to call for new proposals using 14m radio telescope from October 2019 to May 2020. Submission deadline of proposals is the end of August 2019 (to traoprop@kasi.re.kr ). Submitted proposals will be evaluated, the result will be notified by the end of September. There are generally plenty of telescope time slots available between LST 10 and 15 hours, thus, proposals requesting these time slots are more encouraged. We have remote observation mode available, however, only experienced observers can use it. If you are the first time users of TRAO system, we encourage to find experienced users in KASI as collaborators. Cover page of proposal is provided in TRAO home page. Please write in Words or PDF form up to 4 pages (LP and GP) or 6 pages (KSP) with font size 10, including science justification, technical justification, figures and tables, etc. 1. Key Science Programs (KSPs): KSP is a multi-year observing program, which could finalize a series of wonderful scientific results, and demonstrating characteristics and advantage of TRAO system. Telescope allocation time would be 400 hours per year for next three years. 2. General Programs (GPs): GP is a short program, which needs a small amount of telescope time up to 100 hours within a single observing season (October 2019 ~ May 2020), with which fast scientific results could be expected in relatively short period of time 3. Large Programs (LPs): LP is a program, which needs a substantial amount of telescope time up to 300 hours within a single observing season (October 2019 ~ May 2020), with which invaluable scientific results could be expected within a year or two. TRAO’s multi-beam receiver system(SEQUOIA-TRAO), is a cryogenic focal plane array equipped with 16 high performing InP MMIC amplifiers. This receiver system has been operating quite smoothly for last three years. The receiver temperature is ranging from 60~80 K for 86 to 110 GHz, and 80~110 K for 115 GHz, and system temperature is ranging from about 200 K for 86 to 110 GHz, and 400 K for 115 GHz. Two molecular lines could be simultaneously observed as it has two 2nd LO within 15 GHz band range. Backend system is a high performing correlator, providing a bandwidth of 60 MHz with a 15 kHz resolution (0.045 km/s at 100GHz). OTF (On-The-Fly) mapping mode is the main observing mode, and a simple position switching mode is also available. Test observation shows that it takes 27 min for mapping 6’x6’ region, and 37 min for 10’x10’. You may decide a regrid size and convolution parameter after completion of your observation. Pointing accuracy of the telescope is about 5 arcsec. The backend system (FFT spectrometer) provides the 4096x2 channels with a fine velocity resolution of better than 0.05 km/s (15 kHz) per channel. Its effective spectra bandwidth is 60 MHz. Please refer the TRAO homepage home ([http://trao.kasi.re.kr)/]http://trao.kasi.re.kr) for system information. Two bedrooms and kitchen are available for outside observers. Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) is a part of Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI). Hyunwoo Kang, Ph. D., TRAO Director orionkhw@kasi.re.kr Youngung Lee, Ph. D., TRAO Principal Scientist yulee@kasi.re.kr |
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