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Post-doctoral Position at Seoul National University
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2019-04-09 21:10
첨부파일 :
Post-doctoral Position at Seoul National University 

 Applications are invited for one Post-Doctoral position at Seoul National University. A successful candidate will work with Prof. Jong-Hak Woo to carry out on various projects on gas outflows and star formation in AGN host galaxies. Substantial amount of time for independent research will be available. 

 Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent in astronomy by the first day of the employment. The duration of this position is two years, with the possibility of renewal for an additional year contingent upon satisfactory research performance and continued funding. University-subsidized housing is available for monthly rent of ~500 US dollar. Travel support and research budge will be also provided. The starting total annual salary including severance pay is ~40M Won or higher depending on the experience, plus benefit (institutional support for 4 social insurance).

 The position is currently open, but the starting date is negotiable. Applicants should submit CV, publication list, research summary, research plan, and three names for reference by May 10th 2019 to woo at 
 Any inquiry is welcome. 

이전글 3.18 19:00 『천문학회 오픈 콜로퀴움』 방송예정
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