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Announcement of the First TagKASI International Conference: Cosmic Dust and Magnetism
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2018-04-17 11:00
첨부파일 :

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the SOC members, I am very pleased to announce the first TagKASI international conference on Cosmic Dust and Magnetism, to be held in KASI from Oct 30--Nov 2, 2018. 

Please see the conference website for more detailed information:

We would like to invite you to register for this conference, and we look forward to seeing many of you in KASI.

Best wishes,

Jungyeon Cho, Thiem Hoang,  and Alex Lazarian on behalf of the SOC


The First TagKASI International Conference: Cosmic Dust and Magnetism

October 30 - November 2, 2018, Daejeon, Korea

Theoretical Astrophysics Group (TAG)

Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), Daejeon, Korea

Scientific Rationale and Scope:

Dust and magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the universe. Interstellar dust is the seeds of star and planet formation, while magnetic fields play an important role in many astrophysical phenomena, including star formation, cosmic ray transport, and synchrotron emission. The alignment of non-spherical dust grains with magnetic fields, resulting in dust polarization, provides a powerful tool to map magnetic fields. Dust polarization has been successfully used to trace magnetic fields in various scales, from ~ kpc to ~ 1000 AU scales. Recent polarization observations at mm-cm wavelengths from disks (~ 100 AU scales) by ALMA reveal that dust polarization may not trace magnetic fields, but grain growth and planetesimal formation. At the same time, polarized dust emission is considered the most critical challenge for understanding how the universe was born through so-called B-modes polarization. The aim of this conference is to bring together local and international experts to discuss the most important aspects of cosmic dust, magnetic fields, and its implication.

Confirmed Invited Speakers:

Andersson, B-G (NASA Ames, USA)

Balsara, Dinshaw (Notre Dame, USA)

Boulanger, Francois (ENS, France)

Burkhart, Blakesley (Harvard, USA)

Clemens, Dan (Boston, USA)

Draine, Bruce (Princeton, USA)

Federrath, Christoph (ANU, Australia)

Fissel, Laura (NRAO, USA)

Girart, Josep (CSIC-IEEC, Spain)

Guillet, Vincent(IAS, France)

Hensley, Brandon (JPL, USA)

Hirashita, Hiroyuki (ASIAA, Taiwan)

Hoang, Thiem (KASI & UST, Korea)

Houde, Martin (UWO, Canada): TBC

Hull, Chat (NAOJ, Chile)

Kataoka, Akimasa (NAOJ, Japan)

Kwok, Sun (University of Hong Kong)

Kwon, Woojin (KASI, Korea)

Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro (Nagoya, Japan)

Lai, Shih-Ping (NTHU, Taiwan)

Lazarian, Alex (UW-Madison, USA)

Li, Hua-Bai (CUHK, Hong Kong)

Telesco, Charles (Florida, USA)

Ryu, Dongsu (UNIST, Korea)

Yan, Huirong (Potsdam, Germany)

Xu, Siyao (UW-Madison, USA)

Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):

Cho, Jungyeon (CNU)

Hoang, Thiem (KASI, UST)

Kim, Jinho (KASI)

Lazarian, Alex (UW-Madison)

Ryu, Dongsu (UNIST)


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