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Postdoctoral positions in ASIAA
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2017-11-10 14:59
첨부파일 :

I am writing to ask your help in spreading the word to your colleagues/community that, I have several postdoctoral positions
available in my group at ASIAA, Taipei over the next five years, to
work on cluster lensing and multi-probe studies, physical
interpretation of dark matter, and cosmic structure formation. My
current group members include Drs. Sandor Molnar, I-Non Chiu,
Yuichi Higuchi, and my close local collaborators include Prof. Teppei
Okumura (ASIAA), Prof. Tzihong Chiueh (NTU), and Prof. Tom
Broadhurst (Ikerbasque/ASIAA).

Successful candidates will work with me on (1) the Subaru Hyper
Suprime-Cam (HSC) + Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) survey with Subaru,
(2) Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (RELICS) with Hubble, (3) XXL
survey, (4) CLASH and Hubble Frontier Fields, (5) LSST, and some
combinations of them - depending on their interest and expertise.
Other accessible resources at ASIAA include ALMA, Subaru (general),
JCMT, CFHT, SMA, LSST, and so on.

Please contact me (Keiichi Umetsu: if you
are interested in this opportunity.

Online application form (contact me first if applying after November 15, 2017):

Included benefits:

Resources at ASIAA:

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