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ALMA 5 Years Meeting Registration Opens Tomorrow
작성자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2016-06-03 15:25
첨부파일 :
Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that Registration will open on 3 June (EDT) for the "Half a Decade of ALMA: Cosmic Dawns Transformed"
( conference which will be held 20 - 23 September 2016 at the Renaissance Indian Wells Resort in Indian Wells, California, USA (near Palm Springs).

The sensitivity and spectral grasp of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have revolutionized the study of the youngest structures in the Universe, from galaxy assembly through the formation of stars and planets. ALMA has produced over 400 refereed papers with over 4500 citations just beyond its four-year mark, reporting impressive and scientifically compelling results using the most sensitive and highest resolution mm/submm interferometer in the world.

One aim of the four day conference is to highlight recent ALMA results at the threshold of its fifth year of operation. Another goal is to bring together researchers from around the world to motivate collaborations for ALMA's Cycle 5. Science topics will include all fields of astronomy, from cosmology and galaxies in the distant universe, nearby galaxies and the Galactic Center, ISM and star formation in our own galaxy, astrochemistry, circumstellar disks, exoplanets, solar system, stellar evolution and the Sun. Please submit an abstract featuring your science soon, as the deadline for abstracts to be considered for verbal presentation is 24 June.

Early Registration will take place from 3 June - 1 August at a rate of
$450 (Between 1 - 22 August, the registration fee increases to $650.)
Students can register at any time before 23 August for a reduced rate of $250.

Book your room at Indian Wells Resort at the time of registration to receive an instant $50 resort credit and become eligible for special room upgrades.  Winners will be chosen at random and if you book before

1 July, you will double your chances to win.

Students are automatically eligible, with the submission of an abstract, to receive half the advertised room rate (a value of ~$400 USD).

Please visit the conference website ( for updates, timeline of events (e.g. abstract submission deadline, registration closing) and future announcements, and contact the Local Organizing Committee at<> with any questions including the opportunity for travel support (requests due on 1 July, 2016!).

Anthony Remijan, on behalf of the Scientific Organizing Committee
이전글 [한국연구재단 시행] 2016년 과학기술인력교류활...
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