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천문학회지(JKAS) , Vol.57 no.2 (2024)

DOI : 10.5303/JKAS.2024.57.2.145

Asteroseismic Searching for Environmental Influence in Star Clusters Observed by Kepler/K2

Yun-A Jo

(Department of Astronomy, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea)

Heon-Young Chang

(Department of Astronomy, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea)

In this paper, we investigate asteroseismic scaling-relations of evolved stars in star clusters observed by Kepler/K2, aiming to address the issue of whether observed stellar oscillations are influenced by environmental factors, as there are interesting phenomena relating to the stellar pulsations observed in star clusters. Specifically, we compare statistical properties of distributions including Δν, νmax, HGauss, δνenv, and δν02 derived from red giant branch (RGB) and red clump (RC) stars in two pairs of star clusters: NGC 2682 - NGC 6819 and NGC 1817 - NGC 6811. We have found that the slopes of relations between νmax and Δν and between HGauss and νmax associated with RC stars in the more compact star clusters, NGC 2682 and NGC 1817, are in common less steep compared with those for NGC 6819 and NGC 6811. It is also found that the slopes of the relation between δνenv and νmax from RC stars in the more compact star clusters are in common steeper compared with those for the others. For the relation between δν02 and Δν obtained from RGB stars, the slope resulting from NGC 2682 and NGC 6819 is indistinguishable. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests conducted on RC stars in the pairs of NGC 2682 and NGC 6819, as well as NGC 1817 and NGC 6811, indicate that all the seismic quantities considered in this paper are drawn from different distributions. We conclude, therefore, that the properties of star clusters should be considered when asteroseismic data obtained from stars within star clusters are interpreted.

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