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천문학회지(JKAS) , Vol.56 no.1 (2023)

DOI : 10.5303/JKAS.2023.56.1.023

A Monte Carlo Study of the Diffusion Process of Thomson-Scattered Line Radiation in Phase Space

Hyeon Yong Choe

(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University)

Hee-Won Lee

(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University)

We investigate the diffusion process of Thomson-scattered line photons in both real space and frequency space through a Monte Carlo approach. The emission source is assumed to be monochromatic and point-like embedded at the center of a free electron region in the form of a sphere and a slab. In the case of a spherical region, the line profiles emergent at a location of Thomson optical depth τTh from the source exhibit the full width of the half maximum σλ ≃ τ 1.5 Th . In the slab case, we focus on the polarization behavior where the polarization direction flips from the normal direction of the slab to the parallel as the slab optical depth τTh increases from τTh ≪ 1 to τTh ≫ 1. We propose that the polarization flip to the parallel direction to the slab surface in optically thick slabs is attributed to the robustness of the Stokes parameter Q along the vertical axis with respect to the observer’s line of sight whereas randomization dominates the remaining region as τTh increases. A brief discussion on the importance of our study is presented.

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