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pISSN : 1225-4614 ㅣ eISSN : 2288-890X
Diffusive Shock Acceleration Efficiencies for Weak ICM Shocks in the Test-Particle Regime
천문학회지(JKAS) , 제57권 2호 (2024년07월)pp.155-162
HCN and HNC in the Disk of an Outbursting Young Star, V883 Ori
천문학회지(JKAS) , 제57권 2호 (2024년07월)pp.163-171
Characteristics of Interplanetary Shock Sheath Regions in the Solar Wind Inducing the Forbush Decreases
천문학회지(JKAS) , 제57권 2호 (2024년07월)pp.173-182