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Star-formation evolution of galaxies in dense environment at the end of cosmic noon
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.122-123
Unveiling the Merging Scenario: Dark Matter Substructure in Abell 514
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.123-123
The Simulated SPHEREx Spectra of Nearby Type 1 AGNs
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.123-123
Double-peaked emission lines in dust-obscured quasars
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.123-123
Testing LAEs and LBGs as tracers of the large-scale structures in the high-z universe
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.123-124