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Dust-obscured Type-1 Quasars at z < 2.5
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.121-122
Measuring The Stellar Mass Function of Massive Galaxy Clusters using Dense Spectroscopic Surveys
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.121-121
The rsults of KS4 Massive Cluster Survey at z~0.2-0.4
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.122-122
ODIN: Lyman Alpha Blobs at z~3.1 in E-COSMOS
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.122-122
Study on the LyC signal from z ∼ 4.5 Lyman-alpha emitters found in the COSMOS field
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.122-122