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New evidence supporting past dust ejections from an active asteroid (4015) Wilson-Harrington
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.90-90
Near Infrared Polarimetry of Airless Bodies Hints the Existence of Fine Dusts: The Case of Dawn Mission Targets, (4) Vesta and (1) Ceres
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.91-91
Exploring the origins of cometary depressions based on collisional processes in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.91-91
Spectral type and geometric albedo of (98943) 2001 CC21, the Hayabusa2# mission target
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.91-92
DALO: Science instruments for lunar surface in collaboration with NASA's Artemis/CLPS initiative
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.92-93