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Preliminary result of transmission spectroscopy from Hot Jupiters using GMOS
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.66-66
Resonant structures in exozodiacal clouds created by habitable zone exoplanets
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.66-67
Preliminary analysis results of the hot-Jupiter WASP-131b from transmission spectra using Gemini/IGRINS
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.67-67
Investigating Asymmetry Development from SiO to H2O Maser Regions in VX Sagittarii
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.67-68
Massive star models with the updated 12C+12C reaction rate
천문학회보(BKAS), 제48권 2호 2 (2023년10월)pp.67-67