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2024 East Asian ALMA Science/DA Workshop

기간 : 2024-07-22 ~ 2024-07-26   |   장소 : Seoul National University, Siheung campus

학술대회 안내

2024 East Asian ALMA Science Workshop July 22-24, 2024
2024 East Asian ALMA Data Analysis Workshop July 25-26, 2024

Venue: Seoul National University, Siheung campus

Host: KASI & KAS



Registration is now open for the EA ALMA Science/Data Analysis Workshop 2024. Please register on the Registration tab.

Accommodations are available at the Seoul National University Siheung Campus Hotel, offering 60 rooms at a special rate for conference attendees. Early booking is highly recommended due to limited availability. Alternative accommodations are available outside the campus, approximately a 30-minute walk away. More details are available on the Accommodation tab.

Scientific Rationale

We are pleased to announce the East Asian (EA) ALMA Science Workshop 2024-Korea. The EA ALMA community of Japan, Taiwan, and Korea has got together every year to share new results and to promote collaborations. This year we will come together in Korea again, particularly at the Siheung campus of the Seoul National University on July 22-24, 2024, which is near the Incheon international airport.

ALMA passed over 10 years last year since it was inaugurated on March 13, 2013. So far ALMA has been delighting and enlightening us with numerous fantastic results. Now ALMA also has an excellent “sibling” JWST. In this workshop, we will have a chance to listen to brief histories of EA ALMA 10 years, as well as nice scientific results from large and PI programs of ALMA. Also, we hope to see many comprehensive results jointly obtained with other facilities like JWST and VLA. Any astronomers who are interested in ALMA, regardless of having their own ongoing ALMA projects or not, are welcome to join.

The East Asian ALMA Data Analysis Workshop is held this year for the first time, designed to facilitate collaboration and skill development among young astronomers in East Asia. With ALMA's ongoing evolution toward 2030, learning advanced data analysis techniques is important to fully exploit its capabilities. Participants will work in groups to analyze ALMA archival data on specific topics, guided by experienced supervisors. Through group work, we aim to promote closer interaction among the EA ALMA members and propel us to the forefront of astronomical research. In essence, the East Asian ALMA Data Analysis Workshop drives scientific advancement and fosters regional cooperation, empowering the next generation of astronomers.

Contact us
Woojin Kwon (SOC chair, science workshop), wkwon(at)
Yusuke Aso (SOC chair, data analysis workshop), yaso(at)
Jihyun Kang (LOC chair), jkang(at)

Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute (KASI)
Korean Astronomical Society (KAS)
