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LANL CTA 박사후 연구원 모집
저자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2024-11-06 13:34:03
첨부파일 :

미국 로스알라모스 연구소 Center for Theoretical Astrophysics (CTA)에서 이론/전산 천체물리 전분야 박사후 연구원을 모집 합니다

자세한 내용은 아래 링크에서 찾아 있습니다.



혹시 궁금한 점이 있다면 임현 박사님께 (hylim1988@gmail.com) 문의 바랍니다.


Job Description:


The Center for Theoretical Astrophysics (CTA) is seeking candidates for multiple postdoctoral positions in theoretical and computational astrophysics. The CTA consists of a diverse group of professionals from across LANL organizations with an interest in conducting and promoting cross-cutting astrophysics research at LANL. The CTA also connects methods and algorithms from astrophysics to applications in a variety of laboratory missions. With over 50 staff, students, and postdocs, the CTA encourages cross-disciplinary collaboration across a wide variety of astrophysical topics and provides a broad expertise and a strongly supportive community. The CTA is committed to creating and maintaining a supportive and inclusive environment. More detailed information can be found in https://cta.lanl.gov/.


Postdocs in the CTA apply semi-analytical models, high performance multi-physics simulations, data analysis, and machine learning to solve critical problems across a wide variety of astrophysical topics. These include supernovae and kilonovae explosion mechanisms and transients, stellar evolution, gamma-ray bursts, compact objects dynamics, accretion, nuclear equations of state, stellar evolution, planetary physics, and cosmology. CTA works with LANL and external collaborators to tie these simulations with ground and satellite-based missions including HAWC, NuSTAR, LIGO, LISA, JWST, EHT, and ZTF. Together the CTA strives to apply the computational innovations from astrophysics to other laboratory programs including The Advanced Simulation and Computing Program, Office of Experimental Sciences, and Global Security.


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