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코넬대학교 박사후 연구원 초빙 Postdoctoral Research Position in Theoretical Astrophysics at Cornell University
저자 : 한국천문학회 등록일시 : 2024-09-20 09:30:43
첨부파일 :

Job Description


Postdoctoral Research Position inTheoretical Astrophysics at Cornell University

The Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science at Cornell Universityinvites applications for a postdoctoral research position to work primarilywith Prof. Drummond Fielding on theoretical studies of galaxyformation—specifically focusing on the topics of galactic winds, thecircumgalactic medium, cosmic ray transport, and multiphase turbulence.

The successful applicant will have the opportunity to shape the direction oftheir research within these broad themes, engaging in collaborative effortsboth within Cornell and with international collaborations. They will contributeto and benefit from a range of major numerical simulation efforts, with theflexibility to develop independent projects that align with their interests.This position offers a valuable opportunity to engage in cutting-edge researchon galaxy formation and to participate in dynamic, interdisciplinary collaborationsthat span multiple institutions.

Applicants with prior experience in designing and executing controllednumerical experiments with grid-based codes (particularly Athena++ and/orAthenaK) and/or running cosmological simulations (particularly with Arepoand/or Gizmo) are especially encouraged to apply.

The position requires a PhD in astronomy, physics, or a closely related field.The initial appointment is for two years from the date of hire, with thepossibility of renewal for further years contingent on funding and performance.The nominal start date will be August 1, 2025, but this is negotiable.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV (including a list ofpublications), and a brief (2-3 page) statement of previous work and proposedresearch. Additionally, they should arrange for three letters of reference tobe submitted through Academic Jobs Online. All materials, including letters ofreference, should be received by December 1, 2024 at: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28317.


More details can be found here: https://aas.org/jobregister/ad/1b7e8311

이전글 한국천문연구원 ALMA 그룹 육아 휴직 대체 인력 채용
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