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저자 : 한국천문학회 | 등록일시 : 2024-09-09 12:13:11 | |||||||||
We currently have multiple Science
Operations positions (x12) open across the three SKAO sites, SKA-Low in Perth,
SKA-Mid in Cape Town and at the Global HQ in Manchester (please check the
location of the roles in the job description; noting that one SKA-Mid
Operations Scientist role is located at HQ). Roles are primarily (x10) for SKAO employed
Operations Scientists (suitable for, but not limited to, early to mid-career
researchers). These roles are broadly responsible for astronomy support to
operations, supporting the efficient delivery of the science program,
facilitating interaction with the community and include a research component.
These opportunities also include Senior roles with team leadership
responsibilities and junior roles at SKA-Mid. We are committed to a diverse and inclusive
workplace culture, where you can balance a successful career with your
commitments and interests outside of work, and very much welcome applications
from traditionally under-represented groups, including women. As was noted at
the IAU GA, we aim to recruit a gender balanced Science Operations team, with
an aim of at least 5 of the current round of SKAO recruitments to be women. Details and more information including how
to apply can be found here. With the exception of junior termed
appointments in South Africa, all Operations Scientist roles are
indefinite. Additionally, we also have two CSIRO
employed Operators / Data Analyst roles (suitable for, but not limited to,
those just about to complete honours/masters/PhDs). These roles are operations
based without research components, which are broadly responsible for day-to-day
telescope operations, monitoring of observations, quality assurance, plus some
data analysis, and again include senior roles with team leadership
responsibilities. Details can be found here and here. Please feel free to contact Shari Breen (shari.breen@skao.int), Jimi
Green (jimi.green@skao.int),
and/or Sharmila Goedhart (sharmila.goedhart@skao.int) All the roles close on the
13th September. Cheers, Shari Breen, Jimi
Green and Sharmila Goedhart Shari Breen |
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